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Shaik Dawood
Shaik Dawood

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πŸ”₯ Advanced JavaScript Concepts.😎

Hello everyone,πŸ‘‹

If you are new to JavaScript, it can be little bit of challenging to understand some core and Advance topics πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ. But don't worry keep your fingers crossed🀞 because in this article you'll get full information regarding Advanced JS Topics😁.

⚑ 1. Closures:

πŸ‘‰ MDN Def: A closure is the combination of a function bundled together (enclosed) with references to its surrounding state (the lexical environment).

Doesn't sound great to you???πŸ€” Don't worry. Stay tuned.πŸ”₯

So, Basically a function bind together with its lexical environment or lexical scope is known as Closer. Let's see what exactly is lexical scope.

⚑The word lexical refers to the fact that lexical scoping uses the location where a variable is declared. Nested functions have access to variables declared in their outer scope.


⚑ Running this code has exactly the same effect as the previous example of the x() function above.
⚑ What's different (and interesting) is that the displayName() inner function is returned from the outer function before being executed. The reason is that functions in JavaScript form closures. A closure is the combination of a function and the lexical environment within which that function was declared.

βœ… Every closure has three scopes:

  • Local Scope (Own scope).
  • Outer Functions Scope.
  • Global Scope.

βœ… Let's say a function can access some variables of it's lexical environment or parent scope, the function actually remembers the reference of variable but it's value.

Let's look at the code:


Now you might have a bit understanding of Closures right.😎

βœ… let's see some of uses of Closures:

  • Module design pattern.
  • Currying.
  • Functions like once.
  • Memoize.
  • Maintaining state in Async World.
  • setTimeouts.
  • Iterators.
  • and so on.......!.

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... to be continued.

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