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What do you work on when you are on a plane? ✈️✈️

I’m about to spend a few hours on a plane as I head to our quarterly planning.

I’ll probably spend the time working on a blog post and maybe a side project.

What do you work on when your flying?

Top comments (13)

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I rarely work when flying, but the last time I was working on slides for a presentation or outlining a blog post.

Even if I get comfort plus, it feels too cramped, loud or private to get any real work done.

daveturissini profile image

It’s definitely hard, especially when I’m mugging around a 15inch laptop

missamarakay profile image
Amara Graham

Plane time is me time. I watch funny videos, movies, or play video games. Planes are an ergo nightmare and I'd rather work before or after I land.

At the most I may list out some bullets for an upcoming blog post.

derickhess profile image
Derick Hess

I don't work on planes. IN my previous job I traveled multiple times a year. Usually to conferences flying a few hours to San Francisco, or DC, but I also had to travel for weeks at a time to places like Venezuela, South Africa, Myanmar and other exotic locations. Knowing I am traveling to do more work the plane is a time for me to try and relax, watch some movies, SLEEP and listen to music and SLEEP. NO way I'm working on a long flight from LA to Hong Kong

daveturissini profile image

Good insight. Thanks for sharing this!

alina_yurenko profile image
Аlina Yurenko

Good question:) Usually I only have short flights ( <3-4 hours) and no Internet access during those, so for this I have a folder on my laptop called "To read — offline" with a decent selection of books and saved versions of articles etc, usually work-related. I try to fill this folder in advance, so it doesn't add to last-minute travel anxiety:)

Also, if you're traveling for a conference/ business meeting, going through your slides and demos one more time never hurts. One more thing to do, which is relaxing and useful at the same time, is to clean up and organize your notes (or phone screenshots, if you're like me 😄)

torpne profile image
Kevin McKenna • Edited

Nothing because the inconsiderate ass in front of me always lays their seat back leaving no room for my laptop

daveturissini profile image

Ouch! I hope that person isn’t me!

torpne profile image
Kevin McKenna

There is a special place in hell for anyone who puts their seat break on a plane, especially in coach!

Thread Thread
daveturissini profile image

The worst. Also love it when they put it back, then return to front, then put it back, etc

cheahengsoon profile image
Eng Soon Cheah

Normally I take midnight flight, so can direct sleep until the flight arrive the destination.

desi profile image

Relaxing. 😴

daveturissini profile image

Sleeping is always a good option