DEV Community

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Dauda Lawal

Web Developer| Technical Writer| Blockchain Enthusiast

Two Year Club
Writing Debut
One Year Club
4 Week Community Wellness Streak
2 Week Community Wellness Streak
4 Week Writing Streak
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Understanding the Power of Node.js in Blockchain Development

Understanding the Power of Node.js in Blockchain Development

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3 min read

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How to Create Arithmetic Operations Smart Contract in Blockchain Using Solidity

How to Create Arithmetic Operations Smart Contract in Blockchain Using Solidity

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3 min read
Unraveling the Potential of Blockchain Technology: Benefits, Limitations, and Securing the Future with Arbitrum

Unraveling the Potential of Blockchain Technology: Benefits, Limitations, and Securing the Future with Arbitrum

Comments 1
7 min read
How To Switch Between Node Versions On Windows

How To Switch Between Node Versions On Windows

3 min read
Leveraging AI in Business: Optimizing Content Writing with ChatGPT

Leveraging AI in Business: Optimizing Content Writing with ChatGPT

5 min read
Essential Git Commands: Top 5 Every Developer Must Master

Essential Git Commands: Top 5 Every Developer Must Master

4 min read
Understanding the Difference Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types in JavaScript

Understanding the Difference Between Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Types in JavaScript

4 min read
What is GitHub Codespaces?

What is GitHub Codespaces?

6 min read
Deploying a Vite App to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deploying a Vite App to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide

4 min read
5 Ways to Embrace Digital Transformation with AI in Business

5 Ways to Embrace Digital Transformation with AI in Business

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5 min read
Easy way to Solve Captcha Using JavaScript & 2Captcha

Easy way to Solve Captcha Using JavaScript & 2Captcha

Comments 2
6 min read
Algorand Blockchain and its Different Types of Nodes

Algorand Blockchain and its Different Types of Nodes

4 min read
Technical Writing with AI: Ways to Use AI Writing Assistant to Write Technical Content

Technical Writing with AI: Ways to Use AI Writing Assistant to Write Technical Content

Comments 4
8 min read
Step-By-Step Guide on How to Create the Drag and Drop using HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Create the Drag and Drop using HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT

Comments 2
4 min read
Full-stack Blockchain with Andrew

Full-stack Blockchain with Andrew

Comments 2
1 min read
Generative AI: Top 7 Generative AI Tools for Startups

Generative AI: Top 7 Generative AI Tools for Startups

4 min read
How to Build a Bitcoin Custodian Wallet with Inquirer JS

How to Build a Bitcoin Custodian Wallet with Inquirer JS

9 min read
Maximizing Your Productivity with Glasp Social Web Highlighter

Maximizing Your Productivity with Glasp Social Web Highlighter

Comments 4
6 min read
7 Best Free Chrome Extensions For Technical Writers in 2023

7 Best Free Chrome Extensions For Technical Writers in 2023

5 min read
5 powerful AI Tools You must Know in 2023

5 powerful AI Tools You must Know in 2023

2 min read