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Closure (Concept)

Closure is very important basic concept in Swift.
And many iOS API are using closure syntax.
Let's see Closure for basic concept.


  • Closure is function without name (Anonymous function)
  • Closure can be passed / used to argument of function


  (Parameters) -> (ReturnType) in 

  (a: Int, b: Int) -> (Int) in
    a + b
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Function vs Closure

Function has “Name” ——— Closure doesn't

func myFunction(parameter1, prameter2) -> (ReturnType) {

//Step 1. Remove "func" Keyword and "function name"
(parameter1, prameter2) -> (ReturnType) {

//Step 2. Move all to curly brace with "in" keyword
{ (parameter1, prameter2) -> (ReturnType) in
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Function has “Argument labels” ——— Closure doesn’t (But can have parameter names)

func myFunction(argumentLabel parmeter:) //but Closure cannot use argumentLabel as above
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Function has “Default parameter value” ——— Closure doesn’t

//myFunction and default value for parameter2
//but Closure cannot have defualt value for parameters
func myFunction(parmeter1: Int, parmeter2: Int = 0) 
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But Closure can be used “Inline"

//first parameter addValue is closure format(anonymous function)
func addTwoInteger(addValue: (a: Int, b:Int)->Int, a: Int, b: Int) {  

{ (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in a + b },     //iniline closure
3, 2 )
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Short Syntax - Let’s make Closure more simple !!!

//we declare custom type which is closure
typealias OperateType = (a: Int, b:Int) -> Int
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Step1. Basic syntax

let myClosure = { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in
  a + b
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Step2. Declare variable explicitly then compiler could know "a" is Int, "b" is Int and "return type" is Int also. So we can remove data types "Int" from parameters and return type

let myClosure: OperateType = { (a, b) in
  a + b
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Step3. Also compiler could know "a" and "b" parameter from definition of OperateType too. So remove "(a, b)" and "in" keyword

let myClosure: OperateType = { a + b }
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Step4. Based on Swift common syntax, we can use $0 instead first parmeter "a" and $1 instead second parmeter "b"

let myClosure: OperateType = { $0 + $1 }
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Call Closure

myClosure(3, 4)
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What is trailing Closure ? - When Closure is located as last parameter of function !

// See below function, myClosure is "last parmetter"
func myFunction(a: Int, b: Int, myClosure: (a: Int, b:Int) -> Int){

//You can call as below
myFunction(3, 4, { a, b in a + b } )
//or call by simple sytax
myFunction(3, 4, { $0 + $1 } )
//When closure is placed as last parmeter, we can pull out after close parentheses
myFunction(3,4){ $0 + $1 }
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Yeah~~~ Done !!!

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