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Building great things

Ah, the journey of building a software house - an adventure that many developers face at the end of college. It's like stepping into a parallel universe, where we can not only do what we love, but also breathe life into ideas that we believe will make a difference, all with a beautiful aesthetic, of course.

But like in any great saga, there were some setbacks. My beloved Macbook Pro decided to overheat. Apparently, the thermal paste wasn't applied ideally, and in the heat of the Brazilian summer, the GPU suffered a thermal collapse. Thank you, Apple, for reminding me that even the most elegant gadgets have their moments of fragility.

So there I was, in the following three months, relying exclusively on my main work computer at (Thank you very much for that), where I was introduced to the wonderful world of Linux Mint. Ah, what a beauty of a distribution for beginners! I fell in love with the simplicity and control it offered. And now, I'm immersed in Debian, feeling like a true master of the code arts.

During this period of technological misfortune, I managed to save up and buy a new M2 Air. I shared the idea of the software house with a designer friend, and he bought into it. Thus was born @sakuracodeprojects, our company with such a beautiful aesthetic that it makes pixels cry with emotion.

In the last six months, while we were planning the launch of Sakura, I also delved into a personal project for my college graduation: a vegan food app powered by artificial intelligence (yeah, another one of those AI things, following in the footsteps of Stanford students, you know how it is). I presented the project to my college advisor, who loved the idea and, to my surprise, enrolled me in an international scientific research forum. Finally, I'll have the chance to present my work to the public.

Furthermore, I started studying Ruby on Rails and quite enjoyed it. It's amazing how this language can simplify web development.

Now, with Sakura Code Projects taking off and my AI project gaining international recognition, I'm determined to focus only on what truly excites me in my personal projects. In the coming months, I'll only work on projects that engage me body and soul.

And it seems luck is on my side, as two new developers have joined the Sakura team. They are campus students who found us. I confess I thought it would be harder to put together a team, but things just fell into place, and I'm incredibly happy with the result.

Here, I conclude the end of a cycle where I learned about constancy, consistency, values, and purpose, not only in my projects, but also in how I balance them with my personal life, making everything one. I maintain a healthy routine of exercise and surfing on the beautiful beaches of the Brazilian coast, as I believe that for great performance, it's necessary to focus not only on intellectual development but also on physical.

I believe I've used my time meaningfully, pursuing goals worth the effort, alongside people who value relationships.

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