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Damien Cosset
Damien Cosset

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Trying to understand blockchain by making one!


Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies made a lot of noise lately. I have been rather disappointed by the turn the cryptocurrencies took, from an amazing concept to what seems just another way to make quick money ( or not... ).

But I became very interested by the technologies enabling cryptocurrencies, and obviously by the concept of a blockchain. The concept is fascinating, and not limited to Bitcoin and friends. We could imagine many applications for such a technology. So, in a proper developer manner, I decided to code one blockchain, or what I think is a blockchain, to understand better what it is.

A simple project

So, what do we need to create a very simple blockchain?

  • A block

A block is what the blockchain is made of. In our case, a block will be composed of a date, an index, some data ( a message in our case ), and the hash of the previous block.

  • Cryptography

To keep informations secure, we need to encrypt our data. For our little project, we will use the js-sha256 package. This process will create a string of 64 characters. Ultimately, our blockchain will be a series of hashes, each composed of 64 characters. As I said earlier, we use the hash of the previous block to encrypt a new block ( that is why we call it a chain ).

  • Difficulty and nonce

We don't just create one hash per block and that's it. A hash must be valid. In our case, a hash will be valid if the first four characters of our hash are 0. If our hash starts with '0000......', it is considered valid. This is called the difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the longer it takes to get a valid hash.

But, if the hash is not valid the first time, something must change in the data we use right? If we use the same data over and over, we will get the same hash over and over and our hash will never be valid. You are right, we use something called nonce in our hash. It is simply a number that we increment each time the hash is not valid. We get our data (date, message, previous hash, index) and a nonce of 1. If the hash we get with these is not valid, we try with a nonce of 2. And we increment the nonce until we get a valid hash.

  • Genesis block

Their must be a first block in our chain. It is called the genesis block. Of course, this block can't use the hash of the previous block because it doesn't exist. We will just give it some arbitrary data to create its hash.

And that is pretty much what we need for our blockchain.

The methods

We will need a few methods to make a functional blockchain:

  • initialize our blockchain => creates the genesis block
  • hash our blocks => a function responsible for creating a valid hash
  • check the validity of a hash => does our hash starts with 'OOOO' ?
  • get the last hash => we need the previous hash to create a new block
  • add a new block => We need to do that at one point, if we want a chain


Let's get coding now.

For this little project, I will create two files, one called index.js and another called blockchain.js. The second one will hold our little module to create a blockchain. It's straightforward, let's take a look at it:

const sha256 = require('js-sha256').sha256

const blockchain = (function(){
  const blocks = []

  const initBlockchain = () => {
    const data = 'Hello World!'
    const timestamp = new Date()
    const previousHash = 0
    const index = 0
    hashBlock(data, timestamp, previousHash, index)

  const hashBlock = (data, timestamp, prevHash, index) => {
    let hash = '', nonce = 0

    while( !isHashValid(hash) ){
      let input = `${data}${timestamp}${prevHash}${index}${nonce}`
      hash = sha256(input)
      nonce += 1

  const getLastHash = blocks => blocks.slice(-1)[0]

  const isHashValid = hash => hash.startsWith('0000') // Difficulty

  const addNewBlock = data => {
    const index = blocks.length
    const previousHash = getLastHash(blocks)
    hashBlock(data, new Date(), previousHash, index)

  const getAllBlocks = () => blocks

  return {

module.exports = blockchain

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So, in this module, I have a few methods. At the top, I import the module that will handle the cryptography part. I have an empty array that will hold my blockchain's blocks, called blocks.

initBlockchain: This method starts the blockchain by creating the first block, the genesis block. I give it a timestamp, a message, the block's index in the blockchain ( 0 ) and a arbitrary previous hash because there are no previous blocks in the chain yet. With all these informations, I can now create the hash for the genesis block.

hashBlock: This method takes all the block's data and creates a hash. As you can see, the first time we run the function for a specific block, the nonce is set to 0. We encrypt our block and check if the hash is valid with isHashValid. In our case, a hash is valid if the four first characters are 0. This is called the difficulty. This is the problem we have to solve to make sure the block can be part of the blockchain. Once the hash is valid, we add it to our blocks array.

addNewBlock: This method is responsible for creating a new block. We only need to give it the message as an argument, because all the other arguments ( index, previousHash, and timestamp) can be found in the blockchain. The method calls hashBlock with the data to create and validate the new block.

getLastHash: The method I call to get the previous hash. We always need the previous hash to create a new block.

getAllBlocks: Just returns all the blocks currently in the blockchain

Great, so let's move to index.js to use our new blockchain!

const blockchain = require('./blockchain')

blockchain.addNewBlock('First new block')
blockchain.addNewBlock('I love blockchains')
blockchain.addNewBlock('Make me a new hash!!')

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We initialize our blockchain, then we create three new blocks. When I run this, I get the following chain in response:

Initializing the blockchain
[ '0000d87875f12e8c00d60cdfc8c21c4867eb1e732d3bb0e4d60bd0febcfafbaf',
  '0000a16968811cf75c33d877e99f460d396c46b5485f669c8e55b193b862106d' ]
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The array represent the four blocks. As you can see, every single one of them starts with four zeros, so every single hash is valid. If one of those hashes didn't start with four zeros, I would know right away the hash was invalid, therefore, the data in the corresponding block should probably not be trusted.

There are four numbers here: 139355, 30720, 68789, 51486. These are the nonce for each block. I printed them out to see how many times the function hashBlock ran to come to a valid hash.

The first block, the genesis block, ran 139355 times before having a valid hash! The second, 30720 times. The third 68789 times and the fourth 51486 times.


This is a very simple example of a blockchain. I'm pretty sure I missed a few things here. I also kept things pretty simple because hey, I'm learning! This little project made me understand a few things:

  • If one person decides to modify a previous block, she would have to change every single block after that one. Each block inherits from its parent ( previous hash ), so trying to cheat a blockchain seems complicated.

  • But if a majority of the blockchain's users decide to cheat, they could modify a previous block and all agree to change the rest of the blockchain accordingly. A blockchain seems to work only if the majority decides to follow the rules. Or you could end up with two different blockchains, one where the users decided to stick with the original data, and the other where the users decided to use the modified blockchain.

  • I've heard about the Bitcoin enormous use of power where it came to mining. Mining is the concept of solving the difficulty problem when you encrypt the data. You get the transaction and you try to find a valid hash for that block. As a reward for your effort, you get some bitcoin. I can only imagine the amount of power you would use when the blockchain becomes huge.

Well, that's about what I got from that. It made things a lot clearer for me. Feel free to correct me if i got things wrong!

Top comments (47)

wizmer profile image
Benoit Coste

Thanks for this "Blockchain made easy" article. Really interesting.

sompylasar profile image
Ivan Babak

I don't quite get one part: from your example, only the hash of the data is stored in the blockchain; isn't the data supposed to be decrypted later? Where are the data messages ("transactions") stored then, if not in the block chain?

tintybot profile image

well hash defines a unique signature of a block, in real practice, the block also contains an index value, a data(record of transactions), a timestamp , and also the golden nonce value.The cryptographic hash dont account for decryption. Its like the address part of a data-structure, and the data is stored in the data part of the data-structure.

anat0lius profile image

Actually the point of the blockchain is to secure the immutability of data, not to encrypt it.

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

I'm very interested about an answer to your question. How would you implement it in the current example?

sompylasar profile image
Ivan Babak

I'm interested in an answer from the author before proposing mine.

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pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

Too bad we can't tag people

ahmed_ezzat12 profile image

thank you for the post it really cleared many concepts i was struggling to understand.

here is the implementation in python

first file

import hashlib
import time

blocks = []

def encrypt_string(hash_string):
    sha_signature = \
    return sha_signature

def isValidhash(hash):
    if hash.startswith("0000"):
        return True
    return False

def hashBlock(data, timestamp, previoushash, index):
    _hash = ""
    nonce = 0
    while not isValidhash(_hash):
        _input = data + str(timestamp) + str(previoushash) + str(index) + str(nonce)
        _hash = encrypt_string(_input)
        nonce += 1

def getLastHash():
    return blocks[len(blocks) - 1]

def addNewBlock(mmessage):
    _index = len(blocks)
    timestamp = time.time()
    previousHash = getLastHash()
    hashBlock(mmessage, timestamp, previousHash, _index)

def getAllBlocks():
    for i in range(0, len(blocks)):

def initBlock():
    data = "hello world"
    timestamp = time.time()
    previoushash = 0
    index = 0
    hashBlock(data, timestamp, previoushash, index)
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the second file


import blockchainLib as bl

if __name__ == "__main__":

    bl.addNewBlock("hello world")
    bl.addNewBlock("hello world 2")
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vgrovestine profile image
Vincent Grovestine • Edited

Been dabbling in cryptocurrency mining lately, and never really understood what was going on behind the scenes until reading this. Much thanks!

On a lark, I was inspired to draft a really simple implementation in PHP:

toonpt profile image
José Miguel Malaca

thanks for the article ;)
in ruby:

require "digest"

class Blockchain

  def initialize(difficulty = "00")
    @blocks = []
    @difficulty = difficulty
    hash_block("I'm the Genesis block")

  def add_new_block(data)
    hash_block(data, last_hash, @blocks.length)

  def all_blocks


  def hash_block(data, previous_hash=0, index=0)
    hash = ""
    nonce = 1

    while(!valid_hash? hash)
      input = "#{data}#{timestamp}#{previous_hash}#{index}#{nonce}"
      hash = encode input
      nonce += 1

    @blocks << hash
    {hash: hash, nonce: nonce}

  def encode(input)
    Digest::SHA256.base64digest input

  def valid_hash?(hash)
    hash.start_with? @difficulty

  def last_hash

  def timestamp
eerk profile image

Awesome explanation, really helpful! I'm just wondering why a hash is only valid if it starts with 0000 characters. I'm also not clear on how to use this blockchain for, say creating my own cryptokittens or some other application. How are the hashes in a blockchain connected to actual data?

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

The 0000 characters are called the difficulty. I chose those characters. They do not mean anything in particular, I could have picked anything. In Bitcoin for example, there is a concept called mining, where you have to 'solve' this difficulty by finding a valid hash. If the answer is found too quickly, the difficulty will be augmented for the next blocks( say 5 zeroes instead of 4 ).

I'll make another article to explain the connexion between hashes and data, I am getting a few questions about this :)

alanguir profile image
Alan Languirand • Edited

Nice article! To help me learn this I pulled out the js-sha256 to rely on node's crypto module directly and made some async/functional updates of my own along the way. Could be an interesting comparison for anyone who wants to compare imperative vs. functional and brings up the issue seen in real cryptocurrencies where the first miner to get a valid proof of work causes others to start over now that their 'last hash' value has changed. Code is here:

alanguir profile image
Alan Languirand

The revolutionary part is the distributed ledger - i.e. decentralizing one block chain to many clients so that any transaction on any client can be verified against the history of transactions on other clients.

skillslide profile image

Thanks for the breakdown. It seems simple enough. What's the revolutionary part of blockchains then, the part that Satoshi figured out? Did Satoshi just put out a proof that this is a valid way to do things?

stefandorresteijn profile image
Stefan Dorresteijn

The revolutionary part of blockchain technology (or at least one of its revolutionary features) is that you never have to trust a single user of the network. You only have to trust the technology because if that works, it's impossible to cheat the system.

vasilvestre profile image
Valentin Silvestre

I don't really get it. You can explain a bit more please ?

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obscuremind profile image
The Dark Side

I think it's about decentralization, in a p2p network everyone has a copy of the blockchain (in case) and if one changes its pair this will generate an incongruity with the other pairs scattered in the nodes (computer, device) of the network, and your fake couple it would be excluded, therefore, no one should worry if a node is honest because he himself would denounce and punish himself by excluding himself from the network.

shawnlknight profile image
Shawn Leberknight • Edited

Great article! I've been wanting an good intro into block chain and this was perfect. However, when I ran the index.js file, blockchain.getAllBlocks() returned undefined. I got it to work by updating that function to const getAllBlocks = () => blocks.

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

You are right, I updated the code in the article. Thanks for the catch!

dhruv profile image

So a blockchain is an encrypted Linked List?

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Mhmm, I guess you could call it like that.

obscuremind profile image
The Dark Side

the blockchain itself is not encrypted, everyone can read (search: blockchain explore), it would be better to say that the blockchain is a list of concatenated hashes.

lavigi profile image

That is absolutely brilliant, Damien. Nothing like seeing it with your own eyes in order to understand it. Many thanks :-)

To help out anyone who is not at all familiar with node (hello, anyone there? ;-) ) here's a very simple way to run this:

  1. Create a folder.
  2. In it, create both files index.js and blockchain.js as instructed in the article. Copy & paste respective code.
  3. Get a command prompt or a terminal to the folder that contains both files.
  4. Run npm init -y (this will create the package.json file)
  5. Run npm install js-sha256 (this will install the required module and update package.json)
  6. Just run the project with node index.js

Hope it helps.

seniorjoinu profile image

Thanks for this article, but i think the devil is in details. Blockchain itself is a simple pattern, but it has nothing to do with real world blockchain powered p2p networks. In real application you need to spend much more code and time with such things like establishing secure socket connection, managing resources and implementing an idea of your cryptosystem (what it is and why it should help people live their lives in happiness).

P.S. there is no need in self-executing function if you use a node's require/exports system.

szymach profile image
Piotr Szymaszek

Two things:

  1. In the "Genesis block" section you have "Their must be", it should be "There must be".
  2. "check the validity of a hash => does our hash starts with 'OOOO'" weirdly this gets formatted like it has four letters "O" instead of zeros?

Aside from that, it is a good article and thank you for posting it :)

vishnuvizz profile image

I have a doubt!! Bitcoin!!!!
If people from multiple mining pool trying to find nounce for certain block, then how are they going to agree to validate the same transaction in that block? if they didn't agree to mine with same transactions, then how is blockchain going to verify that they did valid mining(I meant not cheating). There is still a possibility that they can cheat right? If other mining pool people took diff set of transaction to mine for a block, then obviously they ll get diff hash and so they can't compare with them with actual hash. and If only one pool would get incentive (12.5BTC) then how after one mining a block, some other pool is going to waste its compute power in verifying the transaction. Even if it did so, how is it going to resist to change as change is already done in the blockchain.

Someone, please help me out...