DEV Community

Discussion on: Functional Programming in JavaScript? Yes, Please.

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Is this really a constructive comment? The author's code is readable and correct. Using arrow functions doesn't change the point of the article.

pamblam profile image
Rob Parham

sort of does actually, if we're talking about functional programming you should ideally be using arrow functions as they don't bind this, therefore they're better suited for functional programmng.

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damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

I am not sure that using this in functional programming is recommended. If you don't need to bind this, it means that you need to access the outer this scope right? Therefore, this function is not pure anymore and doesn't solely rely on its arguments. Or am I not understanding something ?

There is also the problem of readability with arrow functions. The syntax is shorter, no doubt, but functions are anonymous. It might not always be useful to trade readability for shorter code.

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pamblam profile image
Rob Parham

Exactly. Anything that binds "this" is oop, not functional. Arrow functions do not, so they're better suited for truly functional programming.