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Discussion on: 20 Most-Recommended Books for Software Developers

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Damien Cosset

I actually came back to this list after the Sonmez's story, and after reading your Should we separate the artist from its art? article @awwsmm .

It's interesting to see, and unfortunately not surprising, that most of these books are writing by old white men. Don't get me wrong, there are some great books in this list, books I own myself and that I enjoy. This is the industry we have, dominated by white dudes, who had the most exposure and opportunities over the years. It's only normal that they come up so often in a list like that.

However, I think, and I'm pretty sure @awwsmm will agree with that, we would all be better off promoting books from people coming from different origins. So, here a proposition, is it possible to make such a list while excluding people that already had a good amount of exposure and privilege? We've heard them, and for some in that list, we also know what kind of people they are. Just a thought.

Keep up the good work Andrew ❤️

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