DEV Community

Building a Rails app. Part 1: Installation, Setup and Deploy

Damien Cosset on October 29, 2018

Introduction In this article series, we will make, step by step, a fully functioning web application to learn Ruby on Rails. I always fo...
tomk32 profile image
Thomas R. Koll

My brain hurts from reading FirstcontrollerController. I'm sorry but if you do a good tutorial then you should embrace the two central paradigm about naming and convention over configuration. Also, two spaces to indent, not four. Personally I usually add a friendly "WelcomeController" first.

damcosset profile image
Damien Cosset

Noted and agreed. The naming is not clear. Always been a problem of mine.

drewknab profile image
Drew Knab

Probably because they're the two most used desktop operating systems and perfectly fine for development. "Linux is the best dev platform" is a meme.

100% in agreement on your second point though.

tomk32 profile image
Thomas R. Koll

I prefer using the same system for development that I run my application in production. Linux in 100% of the cases.

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised if Windows will switch to a Linux subsystem and kernel within the next two decades.