DEV Community

Dale Nguyen profile picture

Dale Nguyen

JavaScript Enthusiast :)

Location Toronto Joined Joined on  Personal website github website


Software Engineer at Noibu

Five Year Club
Cloudflare AI Challenge Completion Badge
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2022
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2019
4 Week Writing Streak
Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP — Handling long processing tasks

Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP — Handling long processing tasks

4 min read

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Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP — Deploy services to Cloud Run

Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP — Deploy services to Cloud Run

Comments 1
4 min read
Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP - Architecture Overview

Building PDF Open Source Services with Angular & GCP - Architecture Overview

2 min read
Create an AI Version of Yourself with LogiChat

Create an AI Version of Yourself with LogiChat

2 min read
Audio 2 Text 2 Image Generation with Analog & Cloudflare Worker AI

Audio 2 Text 2 Image Generation with Analog & Cloudflare Worker AI

Comments 7
2 min read
Migrating Your Shopify App from SQLite to Google Cloud SQL

Migrating Your Shopify App from SQLite to Google Cloud SQL

3 min read
Deploying a Shopify App to Google Cloud Run: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deploying a Shopify App to Google Cloud Run: A Step-by-Step Guide

3 min read
How to Work With Firebase Custom Claims in WordPress

How to Work With Firebase Custom Claims in WordPress

2 min read
How to Retrieve Data from Firestore and Display on WordPress

How to Retrieve Data from Firestore and Display on WordPress

Comments 2
3 min read
How to Monitor and Track Errors in Your Apps with Sentry (Angular)

How to Monitor and Track Errors in Your Apps with Sentry (Angular)

Comments 3
3 min read
Improve Your Git Productivity with Bash

Improve Your Git Productivity with Bash

Comments 12
2 min read
Create Your Own Blog with DevTO API

Create Your Own Blog with DevTO API

Comments 1
4 min read
Create Your Website For FREE with Github Pages — Angular

Create Your Website For FREE with Github Pages — Angular

Comments 1
2 min read
Want to build a career in TECH? — start with your WEBSITE!

Want to build a career in TECH? — start with your WEBSITE!

Comments 10
3 min read
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD Pipeline) with Github Package and Github Actions

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD Pipeline) with Github Package and Github Actions

2 min read