DEV Community

Fatih Aygün
Fatih Aygün

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Styling with UnoCSS

Rakkas supports all styling options available to React apps. Since we're building an app with cutting-edge technologies, I think it would be fitting to use some of the latest and greatest styling options. Tailwind CSS seems to be the coolest kid in town nowadays. But we'll go even further and use UnoCSS. It's a reimagining of atomic CSS with an instant on-demand approach that is 200x faster than Tailwind JIT! Let's start by installing the required packages:

npm install -D unocss @unocss/reset
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unocss is the main package and @unocss/reset provides a collection of CSS resets, including the Tailwind CSS "Preflight", an opinionated set of base styles for Tailwind.

Following the UnoCSS readme, we add to our vite.config.ts file import Unocss from "unocss/vite"; and then add UnoCSS() the the plugins array:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import rakkas from "rakkasjs/vite-plugin";
import tsconfigPaths from "vite-tsconfig-paths";
import Unocss from "unocss/vite";
import dotenv from "dotenv";


export default defineConfig({
    envDir: ".",
    plugins: [
            adapter: "cloudflare-workers",
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We also add the following imports at the top of our src/routes/layout.tsx:

import "@unocss/reset/tailwind.css";
import "uno.css";
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ESLint will complain about not being able to resolve uno.css. You can shut it up by adding the following to your .eslintrc.cjs file:

    // ...
    rules: {
        "import/no-unresolved": ["error", { ignore: ["uno.css"] }],
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If you spin up the dev server, you'll see that our app is now completely unstyled. UnoCSS allows us to style our app with class names. Its default preset supports many atomic/functional CSS libraries all at once: ml-3 (Tailwind), ms-2 (Bootstrap), ma4 (Tachyons), and mt-10px (Windi CSS) are all valid.

.ma4 { margin: 1rem; }
.ml-3 { margin-left: 0.75rem; }
.ms-2 { margin-inline-start: 0.5rem; }
.mt-10px { margin-top: 10px; }
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I will start by removing the <hr /> element and add some color, padding and a bottom border to our header:

<header className="px-5 py-5 b-b bg-amber">
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px is shorthand for horizontal padding and py is shorthand for vertical padding. b-b is shorthand for a bottom border. bg-amber is for setting the background color to amber. You can learn more on the UnoCSS website.

I'm sure everyone reading this article is better at designing a good-looking website than I am. Here's what I could come up with after half an hour of tinkering:


It may not be great but I'm happy with the result. I did change the markup as I've seen fit. I also added a Head component to set the page title in (<Head title="uBlog" />). You can see the results here.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial series and also hope that you find Rakkas as easy to work with as I think it is. You can extend this little app by adding user profile pages, post deletion functionality, pagination, and more. Feel free to say hi on Rakkas Discord chat server!

You can find the progress up to this point on GitHub.

Top comments (2)

benjaminb10 profile image
Benjamin Joseph B.

Do you know how to install Uno on a rails 7 app. Without vite?

cyco130 profile image
Fatih Aygün

Looks like now there's a Webpack package too: