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Does your laptop stay at work?

Do you bring your work laptop home with you at the end of the day?

I would like to know how the rest of the community works. At my previous position, the laptop were locked to the desk. You had the key, but it was a bit of a bother to unlock and bring it home with you. If you needed to log in, there was a VPN for that. My current office has a lot more flexibility, and it seems like it is the habit of most everyone to bring their laptops with them. I actually feel weird the few times I have left it in office. I have started bringing it home with me more often then not, but really don't use it.

What's the culture at your workplace?

Top comments (55)

vitalcog profile image
Chad Windham

My company allows us to use their laptops as we see fit. I have complete freedom to take it home with me. I absolutely never do because I make it a point to separate work from the rest of my life. When I leave the office, I am done working. I don't take work home with me.

andrewdcato profile image
Andrew Cato

When I leave the office, I am done working. I don't take work home with me.

This. I have too many workaholic tendencies to bring work home.

kaydacode profile image
Kim Arnett 

Self care is the best care. Sometimes knowing you need that extra step of leaving it at home makes a huge difference. Thanks for sharing!

cseeman profile image

I agree, I try my best to separate work from home life, it feels like a slippery slop when you always have your work available to you.

ferricoxide profile image
Thomas H Jones II

Meh... Working from home, frequently, means that most pay-periods, I've burned all my period's hours by about Wednesday of the second week ...leaving me the option of either taking that Thursday and/or Friday off or pulling a few extra hours to offset the next Uber and bar-tab for a night out with my wife. When I work from the office, I'm much more 8hr/day aligned ...but mostly because if I don't, my commute becomes a five minutes per mile crawl.

There's pluses and minuses to having your work at home.

webbydevvy profile image
Charlie Strack

I leave my laptop at work unless I am planning on working from home over the coming days. All of the office doors have security card scanners, and my team is pretty small anyway, so there aren't very many people milling around. I'd say if it is cause for your concern, then put your mind at ease and do what makes you comfortable - if that means bringing it home every day, then that's ok!

theothertimduncan profile image

I take mine home with me every day. I don't often work from home or after "working" hours. But since I'm responsible for several apps in production, it's easier to deal with any after-hours issues since the work laptop has everything I would need. And if something comes up at the last minute requiring me to work from home, it gives me the option to do so. I work in a pretty small shop too - only 5 developers at the moment.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

I leave it unless there's something I was planning on doing like wfh the next day or work a tad over the weekend.

It's weird for me individually since I walk, though, so either I have a much heavier backpack or I'm carrying a laptop through the city. So I try not to do it much :P

It's a big company, so there's a mix of people who always take it home in case they get sick overnight and want to wfh and people who will never ever take it home. And the people who take it home to do all their code reviews and such at midnight since they think 9-5 has to be "real" coding work.

cseeman profile image

That feels like a discussion topic all on its own, whether or not code reviews are "real" coding work.

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla)

Yeah, I have my issues with those types :)

It seems the more senior people on my team have issues adjusting to the changing job descriptions as they level up, so they want to engineer for 8 hours, not do reviews or interviews or scrum meetings and then code for 2 or whatever is left. So they get burnt out doing the non-directly-engineering work and 8 hours of coding on top and quality suffers.

Thread Thread
cseeman profile image

I could see that happening with burning out on a schedule like that. When I was tech leading team, I had zero time for actual coding tasks. Just scrum, meetings, code review, mentoring and planning. Definitely not how I wanted to spend my day all day, every day.

andrewdcato profile image
Andrew Cato

My company keeps a very small engineering team, so we're all somewhat hybrid devs/sysadmins.

Unless we're doing a major "This is going to incur downtime so we're doing it overnight" deployment, my laptop stays at the office.

I have an SSH client on my iPhone in case I need to fix something on one of our production machines in an emergency, but that's it.

cseeman profile image

That's pretty badass to be able to fix a production issue on your phone!

andrewdcato profile image
Andrew Cato

This app is a lifesaver.

gturitto profile image
Giuseppe Turitto

We use the Cloud for almost everything. So with a VPN connection and few settings at my Personal Laptop (like installing the Database that we use, and install the IDE that we use at work), download the working branch (that you need to do anyways) I can pretty much Work at Home without taking my work computer.
Let's be honest I never know when it will be the day I wake up and I am the Lotto Winner or I find a Billion dollars under the mattress and decide not to go back to the office and resign via Facebook ;)
Really work items belong to the work environment.

buinauskas profile image
Evaldas Buinauskas

I leave it in the office. The only case I'll bring it to home is when I'm planning to work from home.

Also our laptops are not locked at office too.

dandevri profile image
Danny de Vries • Edited

Both of my jobs gave me a laptop so I currently have three (including my personal one) in total ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It's a fine line. I always leave each individual laptop at the workplace. I'm not really working after office hours and that's not really expected from both of my employers. It's also for my own sanity, to keep me from mixing working hours.

They do want me reachable so I keep most communication stuff on my personal laptop. If there are urgent matters I can still send files or respond.

cseeman profile image

Hopefully they are all the same OS! That would get confusing.

dandevri profile image
Danny de Vries

Yea! All of them are MacBooks 💻

teej profile image
TJ Fogarty • Edited

It's expected that we bring them home as we have customers in different time zones. Thankfully nothing has happened where I had to work at home in the evenings... yet.

Also, it's way more powerful than my laptop, and they're happy to let us use them for personal use. I make sure to close down all work-related apps (slack, email) before heading home so I don't have to see them if I use the laptop later on.

kspeakman profile image
Kasey Speakman

So I'm a weirdo and I hate laptops for normal work. At my last 2 jobs, I use a personal desktop at home and company-provided one at work.

When I did have a laptop for work, I basically set it up like a desktop and left it at work, except for an occasional work trip. However, my co-workers would generally take them home every day.

cseeman profile image

I'm a fan of desktops too, that is my preferred at home device.

scottishross profile image
Ross Henderson

During the week I will take it home with me. If I think I will not be at work the next day for any reason, I'll take it with me; and that includes weekends. If I have more work to do outside of working hours, I'll take it with me etc.

andrejnaumovski profile image
Andrej Naumovski

I know some people at my company take their work laptop home, most of them use it for their regular Internet stuff at home since my team can't work from home at all (we need to be connected directly to the LAN for repo and external service access - client's request). I have a personal MacBook Pro at home and therefore have no need to take my work laptop there to use it as a personal laptop.

justinenz profile image

I work for a financial institution and we're expected to take them home. That way, in the event of a natural disaster or extended power outage or whatnot, we're still able to work if needed.

I code for the core financial system (staff facing and back end processes, as opposed to member facing programs such as online banking). We don't have an on call rotation, but it's still been useful the times where I've got called after hours or on weekends to do some troubleshooting.

drewknab profile image
Drew Knab • Edited

First job, it always came home with me.

Second job, I almost never brought it home. I just used my personal machine when I had to work from home. It was all php-direct-server-access-via-ssh-github-pull-to-deploy, so the machine was 0% important. Once we figured out vagrant and made a company image, we could work on pretty much anything anywhere.

Third job, no laptop. Got a big ol' honkin' PC that's always on that I can RDP to.

rpoirier profile image
Reese Poirier

I'm on an on-call rotation, so I make a habit of bringing my laptop home every day so I can't forget to during on-call weeks. I also like having it at home with me in case I'm unexpectedly not able to come in to the office, but may still be able to work from home for at least part of the day.

cseeman profile image

It is nice to have that flexibility, that really is the best reason for bringing your laptop home with you.