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Solidity: Limitations and Expansions Explored

How Much Can You Do With Solidity? Its Limitations and Expansion Options

Solidity, the contract-oriented programming language used for writing smart contracts on Ethereum blockchain platform, has been a game-changer in the blockchain ecosystem. A closer look at what it offers, its limitations, and its expansion options can help developers and businesses understand and optimize their abilities with this dynamic tool.

What Can You Do with Solidity?

Solidity is a statically-typed language inspired by C++, Python, and JavaScript – keeping it familiar to developers coming from different programming backgrounds. It allows you to write smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the agreement directly written into code. This removes the need for intermediaries, streamlining processes and reducing disputes.

Given that it runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), you can develop decentralized applications (dApps), initial coin offerings (ICOs), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and much more with Solidity.

For instance, you can build a decentralized voting system where each vote is transparent, cannot be tampered with, or re-casted. You can also create fundraising campaigns where funds are raised in a decentralized, transparent manner and the money is only released when certain category-based or time-based criteria are met.

Its Limitations

  1. Limited Error Handling: Solidity currently lacks well-documented standard error handling conventions. Throwing exceptions consumes gas, resulting in inefficient transactions.

  2. Poor Tooling Support: Just like other languages associated with emerging concepts like blockchain, Solidity needs stronger support from enhanced tooling and mature languages.

  3. Security Issues: While Solidity is used to create secure blockchain applications, the language itself has some security weaknesses. These include vulnerabilities in contracts like reentrancy, timestamp dependence, and mishandled exceptions.

  4. No Stable Version: Solidity often receives updates and revisions, with bugs and issues fixed on the go. This means that there is not yet a ‘stable’ version for the language. Some even argue that Solidity was released prematurely, before extensively testing for a production environment.

  5. Inefficient for Complex Mathematical Calculations: Solidity and EVM may not be the best option for applications needing complex mathematical calculations, due to gas limitations.

Expansion Options and Workarounds for Limitations

Despite its limitations, Solidity offers various expansion options and ways to overcome its shortcomings:

  1. Effective Libraries: Working with libraries like OpenZeppelin minimizes the risk of vulnerability and attacks in Solidity. The work around effectively mitigates security issues as existing code is being used, which has been tested and verified.

  2. Upgradeable contracts: You can build upgradeable contracts that can be modified over time, overcoming the challenge of not having mutable states in smart contracts.

  3. Using Modifiers: ‘Modifiers’ in Solidity can be used in writing DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code that can help in testing and debugging.

  4. Practical Testing: Solidity supports automated test suites that facilitate easier debugging and testing. Tools like Truffle provide a testing framework and asset pipeline to make your life easier.

  5. The Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs): Ethereum’s open-source nature means anyone can suggest improvements, which are formalized through Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs). EIPs propose changes to theEthereum protocol and help to continue evolving Solidity, in terms of security, efficiency, and functionality.


Solidity is a power-packed player in blockchain development due to its ability to create intricate smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. It’s ideal for creating dApps, ICOs, DAOs, among others. While it does encounter limitations, it counteracts these with impressive expansion options and workarounds, as part of its development journey in the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology.


  1. Ethereum Documentation – Solidity
  2. ConsenSys – A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, pt 1
  3. OpenZeppelin – OpenZeppelin Contracts
  4. Ethernaut – Solidity Security: Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns
  5. Truffle Suite – Truffle|Ethereum dApp Development Framework
  6. Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) – EIPs GitHub Repository

The post Unlocking the Potential of Solidity: Limitations and Expansions Explored appeared first on CryptoLoom.

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