DEV Community

Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez

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Enceladus Project Dev Blog 1: Introduction

Enceladus Project

Enceladus Project is an in-progress hobby project that I've been working on in my spare time. It is being developed in Unity (C#) and is a very "early stage" work in progress

This is the first in what I hope will be many useful dev blog post related to the development of this game. I'm not the most experienced Game Developer, but I am a professional Software Engineer and I will be applying what I've learned through my career to Game Development on this project.

So, what is it?

Enceladus Project is (or will be?) a 2D, sprite-based Space game with Newtonian style flight mechanics.

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It is definitely inspired by games like Elite Dangerous and No Man's Sky, and my goal is to give this game the same level of customization and freedom, while also giving the player a focused narrative to aim to achieve.

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If you're interested, please stay tuned for updates on the progress of the game as well as some tutorials and code snippets related to the more interesting challenges I've solved while creating this game!

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