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Matthew Dillon
Matthew Dillon

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Javascript vs Python

My first programming language is Javascript and we've had a back and forth relationship. I've now started learning my second programming language Python. My first impressions are positive. One area of difference between the two languages that caught my eye was the difference in equality operators.

Javascript: ==, !=, ===, !==
Python: ==, !=, is, is not

It is nice to see english words in code but then I got to thinking about people who don't speak english. Does this make it harder for them? The way Javascript does it is definitely more universally understandable I would imagine. That being said and knowing english, I do like the actual words. I also noticed Or, Not, AND instead of ||, !, &&, AND I like that too!

What do you think?

Top comments (2)

elyannu87 profile image

Interesting point.
I think that it's really important il programming in general to have at least a foundation in the english language. Since error messages and a lot of informations you might research will be mainly in english. Plus it helps really to make programming really open since a bit of english can get you a really long way to communicate with other developers around the world !
Now for your point on the readability of python code : I prefer reading python code than JS every day. Nothing to do with the "which language is better".... Just readability with python is miles aways from JS :)

crappydill profile image
Matthew Dillon

The further I get into python the more I enjoy it. Thanks for your feedback!