Kind is the smallest, tiniest and funniest Kubernetes runtime I've tried.
Kind could be used for different purposes: to run a local environment, include as a stage on a CD/CD pipeline, test new Kubernetes releases for your OCI compliance images.
Kind requires Docker properly installed on your computer, otherwise it wont deploy anything.
Let's start creating a cluster!
First things to do is install Kind. There are a few ways to install it: Install Go language then run "go get" command or more easy to go, download latest release from the Github repository :D
I already automated this "download" task from my dotfiles, here is the "code":
mkdir ${HOME}/bin ;\
wget -q -O ${HOME}/bin/kind ;\
chmod u+x ${HOME}/bin/kind ;\
${HOME}/bin/kind version
This will prompt you a message like this:
kind v0.10.0 go1.15.7 linux/amd64
Next step is to create a cluster, to acknoledge this we must run this command:
CMD> kind create cluster --name tiny-k8s-01
So, we now have a running Kind K8s cluster!
There a lot of funny features that makes Kind a versatile K8s tool, like:
- Run as many K8s clusters as you want:
for i in {0..4}; do
kind create cluster --name tiny-cluster-0$i
Cluster list:
CMD> kind get clusters
- Create Kind cluster with different Kubernetes releases:
CMD> kind create cluster --image kindest/node:v1.19.7 --name tiny-cluster-v19
Kind images are aviable in this DockerHub registry
There are a lot more features to be used with Kind like Ingress, build images and import into Kind, check your OCI rootless ...
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