After working with Docker for a while, I have noted there could be hundreds of different Docker commands out there. But really, in my workflow, it's the same about 20-30 of these. Here's my personal cheat sheet of the most practical Docker commands I use regularly.
Container Management
Running Containers
The most basic Docker command is docker run. Following is how I use it in various situations:
docker run -d --name webserver nginx:latest
This command starts an Nginx container in detached mode (-d) with a given name. I use this when I need a quick web server for testing.
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
Maps port 8080 on your host to port 80 in the container. Useful when you need to use container services from your host machine.
docker run -d
-e POSTGRES_DB=myapp
-v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
I use this pattern for database containers where persistence and configuration matter a lot.
Container Lifecycle
docker ps
All running containers are shown here. I am using this above command very frequently to check up on container status, ports, and names.
docker logs -f container_name
The -f flag follows the log output. Indispensable in debugging problems within running containers.
docker exec -it container_name bash
Gives you a shell in the container. I'm using this constantly to debugging and for one-off commands.
Docker cheat sheet: Image Management
Working with Images
docker pull nginx:latest
Pulls an image from Docker Hub. Always specify a tag to avoid getting unexpected versions.
docker build -t myapp:1.0 .
Builds an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory. The -t flag tags the image with a name and version.
docker images
Lists all local images - I use this to check available images and their sizes.
Volume Management
Volumes are vital in establishing persistence in data:
docker volume create mydata
Create a Persistent Volume. I use these for database data and other stateful applications.
docker run -d
-v mydata:/data
Mounts the volume 'mydata' to /data inside the container. This is required for persistence of data.
Network Management
Networking is the key to Container Communication:
docker network create mynetwork
Creates an isolated network for container communication. This is useful when I want to establish multi-container applications.
docker run -d --network mynetwork nginx:latest
Connects a container to a certain network. Useful for container-to-container communication.
Docker Compose
This makes Docker Compose very important to manage multi-container applications:
docker-compose up -d
Starts all the services as defined in docker-compose.yml. I use this daily to start my development environment.
docker-compose down
Stops and removes all containers, networks created by docker-compose up.
Cleanup Commands
These commands clean up the Docker environment:
docker system prune
Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, dangling images and build cache. I run this once a week because it saves me some disk space.
docker rm -v container_name
Remove a container and its associated volumes. Volumes will be deleted and volume data will be lost. Done
These are some very helpful debugging commands:
docker stats container_name
Display live resource usage statistics. Great for debugging performance of containers.
docker inspect container_name
Displays detailed configuration information about a container. This is useful to debug networking and volume issues.
Best Practices
Based on my experience, here are some key practices to follow:
- Always tag your images: Never use 'latest' in production
- Use named volumes: Simplifies data management
- Regular cleanup: Use system prune to keep disk space free
- Monitor logs: Regular log checking helps catch issues early
Security and Compliance
Security has become a crucial part of my Docker workflow, especially when working with enterprise clients. Here are some essential security-focused commands I use:
SBOM (Software Bill of Materials)
docker sbom example-image:latest
docker sbom example-image:latest --output sbom.txt
docker sbom example-image:latest --format spdx-json
I generate these SBOMs to maintain transparency in our software supply chain. It's particularly important when working with security-conscious clients.
Vulnerability Scanning
docker scan example-image:latest
docker scan example-image:latest --file Dockerfile
docker scan example-image:latest --severity high
I always run these scans before deploying any container to production. It's saved me from potential security issues multiple times.
Docker Hub Operations
These are the commands I use daily for Docker Hub interactions:
docker login
docker logout
docker search nginx
Advanced Features
Resource Monitoring
For performance troubleshooting, I rely on these monitoring commands:
docker stats
docker stats $(docker ps --format={{.Names}}) # Monitor all containers
Config Contexts
When working with multiple Docker environments:
docker context create my-remote --docker "host=ssh://user@remote-server"
docker context ls
docker context use my-remote
docker context rm old-context
Advanced Cleanup
Here's my detailed cleanup routine that I use to manage disk space:
docker system prune --volumes # Remove everything unused
docker image prune -a # Remove all unused images
docker volume prune # Remove all unused volumes
docker container prune # Remove all stopped containers
Quick Reference
Here's a comprehensive table of all the commands covered in this cheat sheet:
Category | Command | Description |
Container Management | docker run -d --name webserver nginx:latest |
Run container in detached mode |
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest |
Run with port mapping | |
docker ps |
List running containers | |
docker logs -f container_name |
Follow container logs | |
docker exec -it container_name bash |
Access container shell | |
Image Management | docker pull nginx:latest |
Pull image from registry |
docker build -t myapp:1.0 . |
Build image from Dockerfile | |
docker images |
List local images | |
Volume Management | docker volume create mydata |
Create volume |
docker run -v mydata:/data nginx:latest |
Run with volume mount | |
Network Management | docker network create mynetwork |
Create network |
docker run --network mynetwork nginx:latest |
Run with network | |
Docker Compose | docker-compose up -d |
Start services |
docker-compose down |
Stop services | |
Cleanup | docker system prune |
Remove unused resources |
docker rm -v container_name |
Remove container and volumes | |
docker system prune --volumes |
Remove all unused resources | |
docker image prune -a |
Remove all unused images | |
docker volume prune |
Remove all unused volumes | |
Security | docker sbom example-image:latest |
Generate SBOM |
docker scan example-image:latest |
Scan for vulnerabilities | |
Docker Hub | docker login |
Log into Docker Hub |
docker logout |
Log out from Docker Hub | |
docker search nginx |
Search images | |
Advanced | docker stats container_name |
Monitor container resources |
docker context create my-remote |
Create new context | |
docker context ls |
List contexts | |
docker inspect container_name |
View container details |
These are the essentials for my day-to-day work with Docker. Of course, Docker has many more commands, but once mastered, these will cover about 90% of your needs to manage containers. Keep this cheat sheet handy; I still refer back to it fairly often when working in different environments.
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