Original: https://codingcat.dev/podcast/2-40-RedwoodJS
Rob’s Twitter https://twitter.com/cannikin
Redwood Videos https://www.youtube.com/c/RedwoodJS/videos
- Can you tell us more about yourself?
- What is the focus of PrestonWernerVentures?
- How did Redwood get started?
- When you compare the integration of GraphQL and Apollo server, can someone coming from Gatsby easily understand how the data is managed?
- Can you breakdown what Cells are, and how someone might use them?
- Are authentication providers built into Redwood?
- I probably know Redwood best from the community that is surrounding Redwood. Would you say that this was a focus day one?
- RedwoodJS Startup Fund
- Why would you choose Redwood over something like Next/Remix? What about Django and Laravel?
- Will Redwood ever migrate away from GraphQL to something like tRPC?
- Is Redwood scalable for long term growth?
- Where do you see Redwood fitting into the landscape of JS Frameworks in the next 5 years?
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