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Why GITHUB is so important ?

What is Git ?

Git is a free open-source distributed version control system. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005.

What is GitHub ?

It's built for developers. It is a repository hosting service, where it hosts a lot of Git-based projects in a variety of different programming languages and also it keeps track of the changes made, others can also review your code and most importantly it is open source.

Why GitHub ?

GitHub makes version control easier and have good graphical interface so, it is very user friendly and intuitive. It also provides you with the easiness of combining the changes and removes the headache of sharing the large code files.

It help groups of developers work collaboratively on big software projects. It allows other people to see your stuff, sync up with you, and perhaps even make changes.

Why Developers love GitHub ?

  • Immensely Powerful Community
  • The Largest Shared Repository
  • Easy Version Control
  • Secure Cloud Storage
  • You can stand Out From the Crowd by showcasing your work
  • You can link your other relevant professional profiles as well on GitHub

How recruiters grade you ?

Tech stack used : Make sure not using the same tech
stack for every project.
Completeness : Make sure your project is completed
Functionality : It should work in the way it is expected
Readability : Your code should be readable
Documentation : A repo without a simple README is
a wasted opportunity.

Resources to learn git and github :

  • Get Started with GitHub (Udemy)
  • Learn Git Branching ( Version Control with Git (Coursera)
  • Learn Git by CodeAcademy
  • Version Control with Git by Udacity
  • Getting Started with GitKraken for GitHub Users by GitKraken
  • Version Control with Git (Git tower)

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Andrew Baisden

CI/CD workflows keep our code in check.