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Local variable referenced before assignment in Python

If you're a Python developer, you must have come across the "local variable referenced before assignment in Python" error at some point. This error occurs when you try to reference a variable before assigning a value to it.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take an in-depth look at this error message, its causes, and how to troubleshoot and fix it.

What is the Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment in Python Error?

Python is an object-oriented programming language that relies heavily on variables. A variable is a placeholder that stores a value that can be referenced later in the code. A local variable is a variable defined within a function or method.

The local variable referenced before assignment in Python error message indicates that a local variable is being referenced before it has been defined or assigned a value.

This error message can be like the following:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'variable_name' referenced before assignment
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In other words, the Python interpreter cannot determine the value of the variable because it has not been assigned or defined. This error is common when a local variable is defined within a conditional statement that is not executed.

Causes of the Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment in Python Error

There are several causes of the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. Here are some of the most common causes:

Scope Issues

The scope of a variable refers to the area of the code where it can be accessed. Local variables have a limited scope and can only be accessed within the function or method where they are defined. If you try to reference a local variable outside the function where it is defined, you'll get the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error.

Syntax Errors

Syntax errors occur when your code violates the rules of Python syntax. These errors can cause a local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. For example, if you forget to define a variable before referencing it, you'll get this error.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements, such as if and while statements, can also cause the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. If a variable is defined within a conditional statement that is not executed, the Python interpreter will not be able to determine the value of that variable, leading to this error.

Nested Functions

If you have nested functions or methods, you may encounter this error message. When a nested function tries to access a local variable that is defined in the outer function but not in the nested function, Python will raise this error.

How to Troubleshoot and Fix the Local Variable Referenced Before Assignment in Python Error

Now that you know what causes the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error let's take a look at how to fix it.

Check variable scope

First, check the scope of the variable you are trying to reference. Local variables only exist within the function or method where they are defined. If you try to reference a local variable outside the function or method where it is defined, you'll get the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error.

To fix this error, make sure that you define the variable within the right scope. If you need to reference a variable outside a function or method, you should define it as a global variable.

Check syntax

Syntax errors are another common cause of the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. Always check your code for syntax errors and be sure to define your variables before trying to reference them.

You can also use a Python IDE, such as PyCharm or Visual Studio Code, that highlights syntax errors in real-time. This can help you catch syntax errors before they cause the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error.

Check conditional statements

As we mentioned earlier, conditional statements can also cause the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. If a variable is defined within a conditional statement that is not executed, the Python interpreter will not be able to determine the value of that variable, leading to this error.

To fix this error, make sure that your conditional statements are properly structured. You should define your variables outside your conditional statements and initialize them to a default value. If your conditional statement modifies the variable, make sure that it is executed at least once.

Check nested functions

When you have nested functions or methods, you may encounter the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error. When a nested function tries to access a local variable that is defined in the outer function but not in the nested function, Python will raise this error.

To fix this error, you can either define the variable in the nested function or pass it as an argument to the nested function.


In conclusion, the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error is a common error that occurs when you try to reference a variable before it has been defined or assigned a value.

This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including scope issues, syntax errors, conditional statements, and nested functions.

To fix this error, you should check and make sure that your varibales are defined within the right scope, your code has no syntax errors, your conditional statements are properly structured, and your nested functions are properly structured.

By following these simple steps, you'll be able to troubleshoot and fix the local variable referenced before assignment in Python error and write better Python code.

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