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Rachel Fazio for CodeNewbie

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An Ode to Technical Writing, Non-Linear Careers, and Other Things I Learned This Week...

Well hello again! My name is Rachel and I am a part of the Forem/DEV/CodeNewbie team.

I have been creating this “What I Learned This Week” segment to discuss relevant posts on #codenewbie and/or #beginners that relate to things I have been interested in this week.

If you haven't peeped the CodeNewbie tag or CodeNewbie Team Page, here are those things!


The most supportive community of programmers and people learning to code.

Let’s Get Into It!

SO, this week, I wanted to highlight a mixed range of things (surprise!). In all seriousness, this week I have been loving reading articles and depositing information into my brain that is written nicely (surprise again!). I have been more of a sedentary gal this week, so reading has been making me very happy. (SIDE NOTE: I am reading the book “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle and am loving it so much if anyone has any book recs send em to me below!)

So here is my more reader-focused list (instead of a help/task-oriented list) of the week!

Technical Writing

I have long thought a career in writing would serve me super well and I coincidentally have thought about re-centering my career multiple times to being an instructional manual designer or machinery designer. This article was super up my alley and if you are looking for a more interdisciplinary field within coding and writing, this could be for you too!

Non-Linear Careers!

I 👏 am 👏 all 👏 for 👏 non-linear 👏 career development (and you should be too!)! This article helps to break down what exactly a non-linear career is, how our current model of conceptualizing the tech career is outdated, and why we should support this way of learning. I think in many ways, non-linear career development is much more accessible, forgiving, and allows folks to indulge and explore their interests more fruitfully.

Beginners Guide To Open-Source

Last week, I created a beginner crash-course to open-source, specifically focused on Github, as our Github + DEV Hackathon is happening right now!

If you didn’t see that post, here it is below:

I found some new articles that could be of service to folks, especially beginners and non-devs, on how to contribute to open-source!

If You Need Motivation…OR Are Feeling Confused About Where To Start…

This one needs no introduction, but a side-note from me is that I have said for months that I want to be like water and move mindfully through change, new challenges, and generally embrace adaptability more. I thought for a long time I got this from Brené Brown, but I stand corrected! I am glad to see articles like this urging folks to see through a new perspective.

So You Don’t Feel Like Reading, But You Do Feel Like Talking…

We released a great discussion that, in my opinion, deserves more attention! So drop your insights below!

All this is to say, I really enjoy writing these posts and hope you enjoy reading about them.

Share what you are reading/learning this week down below + Happy coding!

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