DEV Community

Clavin June
Clavin June

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Construct Golang Struct Using Optional Function

Sunday Snippet #5 construct golang struct using optional function

Using optional function to allow user optionally set attributes

package main

import (

// ExampleOptFunc sets Example's optional attribute
type ExampleOptFunc func(*Example)

// WithAttr1 sets Example's OptionalAttr1 as true
func WithAttr1() ExampleOptFunc {
    return func(e *Example) {
        e.OptionalAttr1 = true

// WithAttr2 sets Example's OptionalAttr2 as i
func WithAttr2(i int) ExampleOptFunc {
    return func(e *Example) {
        e.OptionalAttr2 = i

// WithAttr3 sets Example's OptionalAttr3 as s
func WithAttr3(s string) ExampleOptFunc {
    return func(e *Example) {
        e.OptionalAttr3 = s

// Example is an example struct with some optional attributes
type Example struct {
    Name          string `json:"name"`
    OptionalAttr1 bool   `json:"optional_attr1"`
    OptionalAttr2 int    `json:"optional_attr2"`
    OptionalAttr3 string `json:"optional_attr3"`

// NewExample creates Example ptr
// requires name
func NewExample(name string, opts ...ExampleOptFunc) *Example {
    e := &Example{
        Name: name,

    for _, opt := range opts {

    return e

// String returns json-encoded string
func (e *Example) String() string {
    var b bytes.Buffer
    enc := json.NewEncoder(&b)
    enc.SetIndent("", "  ")
    _ = enc.Encode(e)
    return b.String()

func main() {
    e := NewExample("example",

    // {
    //   "name": "example",
    //   "optional_attr1": true,
    //   "optional_attr2": 100,
    //   "optional_attr3": "testing"
    // }
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