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Christian Kohler
Christian Kohler

Posted on • Originally published at

One bite at a time - How to introduce new lint rules in a large codebase

Linters such as ESLint or TSLint can help make your code more readable and maintainable, and help you detect errors earlier. It's good to use linters from the beginning, but it's also a good idea to introduce linters into an existing code base.

This article focuses on the introduction of linters into existing code bases.


  • Use autofix if possible
  • Extend lint config with a second config
  • Add new rules to the second config
  • Run linter with the second config with a precommit hook

The problem

Let's say the codebase is 1000 files large. You create a linter config, run the linter and you get like 1000000 errors. 🤯😱

Now what can you do?


A lot of linting rule can be autofixed. For example the tslint rule

"no-var-keyword": true

can be autofixed. The autofixer replaces the var keyword with a let keyword.

Tip: All autofixable keywords in the list have the "Has Fixer" tag.

Manually fix

If you can't fix it automatically, you have to fix it manually. This can be a "Herculean task". So what often happens is that a rule is simply not used because it's too much work to fix all existing bugs.

The solution: The Boy Scout Rule

Leave your code better than you found it. ...

The boy scout approach to apply new rules is:

  • Fix existing errors when you touch existing code
  • Don't add new errors

Different Rules for CI/CD and changed files

We need two sets of rules. The main one and one which extends it and adds new rules.

Name Usage Rules
tslint.json CI/CD Rules which apply for all files
tslint.newrules.json precommit hook New rules which only apply for changed files

Example tslint.json

Used by the CI/CD pipeline.

  "defaultSeverity": "error",
  "rules": {
    "no-empty": true

Example tslint.newrules.json

Used during the precommit hook.

  "defaultSeverity": "error",
  "extends": [""],
  "rules": {
    "no-any": true

Important: The tslint.newrules.json extends the main ruleset.

  "extends": [""]

Enforce tslint.newrules.json with a precommit hook

This part is very easy nowadays thanks to the amazing libraries lint-staged and husky.

So just install lint-staged and then configure the precommit hook to run tslint or eslint with the the correct configuration.

npm install --save-dev lint-staged@beta
  "lint-staged": {
    "**/*.{ts}": ["tslint --project tsconfig.json -c tslint.newrules.json"]
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"


It is easy and very little work to set up a "newrule" configuration and enforce the configuration with a pre-commit hook. Now your codebase should get better every day as people work on it. Without the upfront costs, you would have to fix all the bugs in a commit. That's how you eat an elephant. One bite at a time.

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

* I am strongly against eating elephants. It's a saying. Google it 😉

Hero photo by @keilahoetzel

Top comments (2)

ashishsurana profile image
Ashish Surana • Edited

Great article, I have been there and done that, Now we have pipelines taking care of linting issues at least.
I have an opinion about auto fixable issues. For example: if we talk about let vs const which can be auto-fixed.
But in the case of objects, it might produce ambiguity in code readability.
if we are doing let a = {}; = "bar" (which is not a correct way to mutate objects but this can be found in codebase), eslint throws error and can be auto fixed to const a = {}. But this is wrong as the object is not a constant and we are changing the properties.

christiankohler profile image
Christian Kohler

Thank you. I honestly don’t know all the edge cases of auto fixing and I agree that has to be used with caution.

Your example would be fine for me since const only checks if the reference changes (or if it is a primitive it would behave as you would expect and checks the value). I use const almost exclusively. But I guess that’s also personal style.