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Heroku Free Plan: How to improve user experience

Do you have multiple projects hosted on Heroku? Today, I will show you a workaround for dealing with Heroku's 10-30 secs load times and provide a better experience for your users.

Heroku can be a great PaaS solution for quickly deploying your projects/portfolio and sharing it on the web. But a significant drawback is that your app will go to sleep after 1 hour of inactivity. So unless you are planning on paying for the service, users viewing your project will often have to wait between 10-30 seconds before your app wakes again. You can find more information on this topic here.

There's nothing worst than putting lots of work on a project to have most of your users clicking away. So today, I will show you how to improve the user experience of slow loading times and increase your user retention rate in three simple steps.

Step 1: Setup

You will need to create a loading page to provide user feedback(eg. progress bar) and redirect the user to your app once your Heroku app has woken up. You should host the loading page on a site that will respond to a user request right away, such as Netlify or Vercel. And the page must handle dynamic routing to retrieve the project id from the URL parameters. I decided to add a loading page to my portfolio site that I've built using NextJS and hosted on Netlify.

Step 2: storing your data and routing

You should have a place to store all the information about your projects. I decided to create a separate JSON file. Each project must have a unique ID and a link to your app hosted on Heroku. Every time a user visits your loading page, we will use the project's ID to retrieve the app's URL hosted on Heroku.

Step 3: Fetch and Redirect

Now that we have the Heroku URL, we will make a fetch request to this URL and wait for a response. In the meantime, we can show a loading progress bar to the user. Then redirect the user once Heroku responds to our fetch request. And that's all!

Progress bar animation

Here is how I configured my progress bar animation to provide user feedback.

On average, a Heroku app will take 10-15 seconds to wake up. Therefore I configured my progress bar to fill up to 97% within 15 seconds. If the Heroku app responds before the 15 seconds are up, I will redirect the user to my Heroku app. And if that Heroku takes longer than 15 seconds to load, I would redirect the user either way. I figured that after 15 seconds have gone by, the user will most likely click away due to the long wait time.

And the final product...

Loading Page

Thanks for reading, and I hope this article helps you showcase your projects to more people.

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