In this post we're going to grok monads by independently "discovering" them through a worked example.
Small F# primer
We'll be using F#, but it should be easy enough to follow along if you've not used it before. You'll only need to understand the following bits.
- F# has an
type. It represents either the presence ofSome
value or its absence through aNone
value. It is typically used instead ofnull
to indicate missing values. - Pattern matching on an
type looks like:
match anOptionalValue with
| Some x -> // expression when the value exists
| None -> // expression when the value doesn't exist.
- F# has a pipe operator which is denoted as
. It is an infix operator that applies the value on the left hand side to the function on the right. For example iftoLower
takes a string and converts it to lowercase then"ABC |> toLower
would output"abc"
The scenario
Let's say we're writing some code that needs to charge a user's credit card. If the user exists and they have a credit card saved in their profile we can charge it, otherwise we'll have to signal that nothing happened.
The data model in F#
type CreditCard =
{ Number: string
Expiry: string
Cvv: string }
type User =
{ Id: UserId
CreditCard: CreditCard option }
Notice that the CreditCard
field in the User
record is an option
, because it could be missing.
We want to write a chargeUserCard
function with the following signature
double -> UserId -> TransactionId option
It should take an amount of type double
, a UserId
and return Some TransactionId
if the user's card was successfully charged, otherwise None
to indicate the card was not charged.
Our first implementation
Let's try and implement chargeUserCard
. We'll first define a couple of helper functions that we'll stub out for looking up the user and actually charging a card.
let chargeCard (amount: double) (card: CreditCard): TransactionId option =
// synchronously charges the card and returns
// Some TransactionId if successful, otherwise None
let lookupUser (userId: UserId): User option =
// synchronously lookup a user that might not exist
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
let user = lookupUser userId
match user with
| Some u ->
match u.CreditCard with
| Some cc -> chargeCard amount cc
| None -> None
| None -> None
It's done, but it's a bit messy. The double pattern match isn't the clearest code to read. It's probably manageable in this simple example, but wouldn't be if there was a third, or fourth nested match. We could solve that by factoring out some functions, but there's another issue. Notice the fact that in both the None
cases we return None
. This looks innocent because the default value is simple and it's only repeated twice, but we should be able to do better than this.
What we really want is to be able to say, "if at any point we can't proceed because some data is missing, then stop and return None
Our desired implementation
For a moment, let's imagine the data is always present and we have no option
s to deal with. Let's call this chargeUserCardSafe
and it would look like this.
let chargeUserCardSafe (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId =
let user = lookupUser userId
let creditCard = u.CreditCard
chargeCard amount creditCard
Notice how it now returns a TransactionId
rather than TransactionId option
because it can never fail.
It would be great if we could write code that looked like this, even in the presence of missing data. To make that work though we're going to need to put something in between each of those lines to make the types line up and glue them together.
Refactoring towards a cleaner implementation
How should that piece of glue behave? Well, it should terminate the computation if the value in the previous step was None
, otherwise it should unwrap the value from the Some
and supply it to the next line. In effect, doing the pattern matching that we first wrote above.
Let's see if we can factor out the pattern match then. First we'll start by rewriting the function that can't fail in a pipeline fashion so we can more easily inject our new function in between the steps later.
// This helper is just here so we can easily chain all the steps
let getCreditCard (user: User): CreditCard option =
let chargeUserCardSafe (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId =
|> lookupUser
|> getCreditCard
|> chargeCard amount
All we've done here is turn it into a series of steps that are composed with the pipe operator.
Now if we allow lookupUser
and lookupCreditCard
to return option
again then it will no longer compile. The problem is that we can't write
userId |> lookupUser |> getCreditCard
because lookupUser
returns User option
and we're trying to pipe that into a function that's expecting a plain ol' User
So we're faced with two choices to get this to compile.
Write a function of type
User option -> User
that unwraps the option so it can be piped. This means throwing away some information by ignoring theNone
case. An imperative programmer might solve this by throwing an exception. But functional programming is supposed to give us safety, so we don't want to do that here.Transform the function on the right hand side of the pipe so that it can accept a
User option
instead of just aUser
. So what we need to do is write a higher-order function. That is, something that takes a function as input and transforms it into another function.
We know this higher order function should have the type (User -> CreditCard option) -> (User option -> CreditCard option)
So let's write it by just following the types. We'll call it liftGetCreditCard
, because it "lifts" the getCreditCard
function up to work with option
inputs rather than plain inputs.
let liftGetCreditCard getCreditCard (user: User option): CreditCard option =
match user with
| Some u -> u |> getCreditCard
| None -> None
Nice, now we're getting closer to the chargeUserCard
function we wanted. It now becomes.
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
|> lookupUser
|> liftGetCreditCard getCreditCard
|> chargeCard double
By partially applying getCreditCard
to liftGetCreditCard
we created a function whose signature was User option -> CreditCard option
which is what we wanted.
Well not quite, we've now got the same problem, just further down the chain. chargeCard
is expecting a CreditCard
, but we're trying to pass it a CreditCard option
. No problem, let's just apply the same trick again.
let liftGetCreditCard getCreditCard (user: User option): CreditCard option =
match user with
| Some u -> u |> getCreditCard
| None -> None
let liftChargeCard chargeCard (card: CreditCard option): TransactionId option =
match card with
| Some cc -> cc |> chargeCard
| None -> None
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
|> lookupUser
|> liftGetCreditCard getCreditCard
|> liftChargeCard (chargeCard amount)
On the verge of discovery đş
Notice how those two lift...
functions are very similar. Also notice how they don't depend much on the type of the first argument. So long as it's a function from the value contained inside the option to another optional value. Let's see if we can write a single version to satisfy both then, which we can do by renaming the first argument to f
(for function) and removing most of the type hints, because F# will then infer the generics for us.
let lift f x =
match x with
| Some y -> y |> f
| None -> None
The type inferred by F# for lift
is ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a option -> 'b option
). Where 'a
and 'b
are generic types. It's quite a mouthful and abstract, but let's put it side-by-side with the more concrete signature of liftGetCreditCard
from above.
(User -> CreditCard option) -> (User option -> CreditCard option)
('a -> 'b option) -> ('a option -> 'b option`)
The concrete User
type has been replaced with a generic type 'a
and the concrete CreditCard
type has been replaced with the generic type 'b
. That's because lift
doesn't care what's inside the option
box, it's just saying "give me some function 'f' and I'll apply it to the value contained within 'x' if that value exists." The only constraint is that the function f
accepts the type which is inside the option
OK, now we can cleanup chargeUserCard
even more.
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
|> lookupUser
|> lift getCreditCard
|> lift (chargeCard amount)
Now it's really looking close to the version without the optional data. One last thing though, let's rename lift
as andThen
because intuitively we can think of that function as continuing the computation when the data is present. So we can say, "do something and then if it succeeds does this other thing".
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
|> lookupUser
|> andThen getCreditCard
|> andThen (chargeCard amount)
That reads quite nicely and translates well to how we wanted to think about this function. We look up the user, then if they exist we get their credit card information and finally if that exists then we charge their card.
You just discovered monads đ
That lift
/ andThen
function we wrote is what makes option
values monads. Typically when talking about monads it's called bind
, but that's not important to grok them. What's important is that you can see why we defined it and how it works. Monads are just a class of things with this "then-able" type of functionality defined1.
Hey, I recognise you! đľď¸ââď¸
There's another reason that I renamed lift
to andThen
. If you're a JavaScript developer then this should look familiar to a Promise
with a then
method. In which case you've probably already grokked monads. A Promise
is also a monad. Exactly like with option
, it has a then
which takes another function as input and calls it on the result of the Promise
if it's successful.
Monads are just "then-able" containers đŚ
Another good way to intuit monads is to think of them as value containers. An option
is a container that either holds a value or is empty. A Promise
is a container that "promises" to hold the value of some asynchronous computation if it returns successfully.
There are of course others too, like List
(which holds the values from many computations) and Result
which contains a value if a computation succeeds or an error if it fails. For each of these containers we can define a andThen
function which defines how to apply a function which requires the thing inside the container to a thing wrapped in a container.
Spotting Monads in the wild
If you ever find yourself working with functions that take some plain input, like an int
, string
or User
and which perform some side-effect thereby returning something like option
, Promise
or Result
then there's probably a monad lurking around. Especially if you have several of these functions that you want to call sequentially in a chain.
What did we learn? đ¨âđ
We learnt that monads are just types of containers that have a "then-able" function defined for them, which goes by the name bind
. We can use this function to chain operations together that natively go from an unwrapped value to a wrapped value of a different type.
This is useful because it's a common pattern that springs up for lots of different types and by extracting this bind
function we can eradicate a lot of boiler plate when dealing with those types. Monads are just a name given to things that follow this pattern and like Richard Feynman said, names don't constitute knowledge.
Next time
If you remember the original goal we set ourselves when starting this refactoring journey, you'll know that we wanted to write something like this
let chargeUserCard (amount: double) (userId: UserId): TransactionId option =
let user = lookupUser userId
let creditCard = u.CreditCard
chargeCard amount creditCard
But still have it work when dealing with optional values. We didn't quite fully achieve that goal here. In the next post we'll see how we can use F#'s computation expressions to recover this more "imperative" style of programming even when working with monads.
- Category theorists, please forgive me.
Top comments (6)
So clear that even I was able to understand. Perfect explanation.
Best explanation I've heard yet of Monads. Great job.
Great article! Thanks!
Youâre welcome, glad you enjoyed it! đ
This made it click for me. Thank you.
Glad to hear it! đ