News, Shout-outs & Showcases
🔥 Congratulations to @silentdev on the BIG news!
🔥 Here is an npm package @zumdewald made!
Intl-date: Easily get useful date-related information using JavaScript Intl.
🔥 Check out this neat Trivia app made by @tomlikeabomb.
🔥 Here are some resources from last week’s Roundtable discussion on GraphQL:
- jdmedlock/graphql-server
- GraphQL + TypeScript + PostgreSQL API
- A query language for your API
- Insomnia
- graphql/dataloader
- Objection.js
Overheard in Chingu
Bob is our resident expert so he can give a dissertation
Reading about Five whys
Toyota also used Andon Cords
I just talked to IKEA customer service (after waiting 2 hours on phone).
I will occasionally trash node modules folder, forget, then freak out for a second when seeing “347,820” items being deleted when emptying the trash…
Is there a way to specify you want all the attributes?
“Here’s what happened next” Someone watching a bit too much Youtube clickbait, eh?
I have an iMac for work. I cracked it open, installed a new SSD and upgraded the ram to 16gb
has anyone here had experience with DataLoader for GraphQL??
just avoiding that Danish stuff, eh
Technically, Windows is an old norse word, which was added to English when vikings ruled some part of England. so technically, technically .. Windows is a norse (/danish) brand
i’ll have you know there is folgers in my cup
I have some sugar cookie tea to try
I slept poorly last night, but after a short nap I’m ready to start writing some code again
Resources of the Week
Illustrated notes on fixing git mistakes
Quote to Go
Before you Go!
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