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Cesar Aguirre
Cesar Aguirre

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Job Security is a Myth: Three Lessons on Layoffs

I've been laid off more than once.

I know how it feels. I know that momentary feeling of relief followed by the uncertainty of a "What am I going to do now?"

Here are 3 lessons on layoffs for my past and younger self.

1. There's No Such Thing As "Job Security"

You could lose your job at any time, for reasons you don't and can't control. A pandemic, a company going bankrupt, or an economic recession.

Based on, 165,269 tech employees lost their job in 2022, 263,180 in 2023, and 89,193 in 2024 until May.

The real question isn't if it will ever happen to you, but when. You're better off preparing for that.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

I can't stress this enough: have an emergency fund.

An emergency fund is keeping enough savings to cover your essential expenses. The longer, the better.

That's the breathing room until you figure out something. And it's the difference between being picky and accepting anything for money.

3. Always Be Ready To Leave

Have your CV updated. Stay in touch with your colleagues and ex-coworkers. Build your professional network.

Always be ready for an interview. Have your data structures and "tell me about yourself" muscles in shape.

Interviewing is broken, I know! But let's always be ready to leave.

Don't wait for a layoff to establish an online presence and grow your network. By then, it will be too late.

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