DEV Community

Discussion on: 7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using React

cadams profile image
Chad Adams • Edited

8. State Management

In Angular even if you use a state management library e.g ngxs it's difficult to move all of the state out of a component. e.g try moving a reactive form out of an angular component. There's scenarios where Angular wants you to use 2-way binding. If you use Redux with React, Redux dev tools is your best friend. This is actually the reason why I switched to React. This alone sold me.

9. Flexible

If your website requires SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you'll need to use SSR (Server-side rendering). Because React is more flexible than Angular, React has better libraries. For SSR next.js is far better than Angular Universal. For CSS framework there's React Material UI try comparing this to Angular's. This one is far more feature complete. Do you need to build a static website? Gatsby.JS is the best for that. Try finding something equivalent to this in Angular.

maniekm profile image

Great input @chad !

I will definitely put them in my updated version.