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Kota Ito

Hi! I'm a front-end developer based in Vancouver. Create web applications with Typescript and React.js and currently exploring Next.js. I'll share some small but valuable lessons I learn each day.

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【React.js, Tailwind】Making an Dynamic Textarea

【React.js, Tailwind】Making an Dynamic Textarea

3 min read
【Next.js, React.js】Making Image with Loading component.

【Next.js, React.js】Making Image with Loading component.

2 min read
【Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client】How to rewrite Apollo Client cache after a mutation. -part2-

【Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client】How to rewrite Apollo Client cache after a mutation. -part2-

3 min read
【Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client】How to rewrite Apollo Client cache after a mutation. -part1-

【Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client】How to rewrite Apollo Client cache after a mutation. -part1-

2 min read
【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part3-

【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part3-

4 min read
【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part2-

【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part2-

2 min read
【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part1-

【React.js】Making a Simple Toast Message Component with useContext and React Portal -part1-

2 min read
[React, Next.js] Search function using useDebounce

[React, Next.js] Search function using useDebounce

2 min read