DEV Community

Bruce Axtens
Bruce Axtens

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Too clever for your own good?

JavaScript is great for prototyping ideas. Okay, so it's a prototype-based language but we probably mean slightly different things.

I wanted to do a calculated selection of a value and quickly threw together the following, which takes a parameter, compares it to an array of possible match/result pairs, along with a default value in the event that there's no match in the match/result pairs. I also coded in the possibility of embedding a function.

Here's the ES3 code

function selector(target, casevalues, defaultvalue) {
    for (var i = 0; i < casevalues.length; i++) {
        var caseval = casevalues[i];
        if ("string" === typeof caseval[0]) {
            if (target === caseval[0]) {
                return caseval[1];
        } else { //assume function
            return caseval[0](target);
    return defaultvalue;
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and the equivalent ES5 code

const selector = (target, casevalues, defaultvalue) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < casevalues.length; i++) {
        const caseval = casevalues[i];
        if ("string" === typeof caseval[0]) {
            if (target === caseval[0]) {
                return caseval[1];
        } else { //assume function
            return caseval[0](target);
    return defaultvalue;
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Evaluating that can be done like this (ES3 then ES5):

var target = selector("page value", [
            ["domain", "domain"],
            ["subdomain", "subdomain"],
            [function (x) {
                    return x === "page value" ? "page" : x
            ]], "");
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let target = selector("page value", [
            ["domain", "domain"],
            ["subdomain", "subdomain"],
            [x => x === "page value" ? "page" : x
            ]], "");
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So pretty cool, right? We-e-e-ell, maybe not. The whole thing might just as readily be expressed in a shorter piece of code, and done inline, using in-place evaluation. ES3 and ES5:

var target = (function (item) {
    switch (item) {
    case "page value":
        return (function (x) {
          return x === "page value" ? "page" : x
    case "domain":
        return "domain";
    case "subdomain":
        return "subdomain";
    return "";
}("page value"));
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const target = (item => {
    switch (item) {
    case "page value":
        return (x => x === "page value" ? "page" : x)(item);
    case "domain":
        return "domain";
    case "subdomain":
        return "subdomain";
    return "";
})("page value");
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Cost-benefit is the key here. Where I was wanting the original selector, the inline worked better and was more efficient. Maybe you do want to have a generalised selector function, in which case something like the above would work. An improvement might be to pass in an array of key-value-pair objects instead of an array of match/result pairs.

Okay, that's me done with thinking aloud for now. Kudos to Lebab's online editor for helping with the ES3 to ES5 conversions.

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