DEV Community

Bruce Axtens
Bruce Axtens

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Reversing a string using .some

I was looking at some of my Google Apps Script code that uses .some() and I thought (as one does), I wonder if that could be used to reverse a string.

This is about as pure ES6 as I can get it.

const Bruce_SomeReverse = (s, rev = "") => {
  s.split("").some((itm, idx, arr) => {
    rev = rev + arr[arr.length - 1 - idx];
  return rev;
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Using Babel I've converted it to ES3 should anyone want to use it there (like in Google Apps Script).

"use strict";

var Bruce_SomeReverse = function Bruce_SomeReverse(s) {
  var rev =
    arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : "";
  s.split("").some(function(itm, idx, arr) {
    rev = rev + arr[arr.length - 1 - idx];
  return rev;
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Performance-wise this method is very speedy, in the top 5 (using my speed tester):

Sarah_ForOf                 986.973 ticks
Bruce_Recursive2            2664.535 ticks
Bruce_SomeReverse_ES3       3085.19 ticks
Bruce_Recursive1            3209.047 ticks
Bruce_SomeReverse           3312.393 ticks
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As seems often to be the case, at least in my V8 instance, the ES3 version is the faster.

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