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Bahman Shadmehr
Bahman Shadmehr

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Advanced Techniques with Pytest: Test Parameterization, Markers, and Coverage Reporting


Welcome back to our Pytest blog series! In the previous posts, we covered the basics of pytest, including installation, writing test cases, organizing test files, and leveraging the power of fixtures. In this fourth installment, we'll explore advanced techniques with pytest that will take your testing skills to the next level. We'll dive into test parameterization, test markers for selective test execution, and coverage reporting to ensure comprehensive test coverage. Let's unlock the full potential of pytest!

Table of Contents

  1. Test Parameterization
  2. Selective Test Execution with Markers
  3. Code Coverage Reporting
  4. Conclusion

1. Test Parameterization

Test parameterization allows us to run the same test function with different input values, making our test suite more versatile and efficient. Pytest provides various ways to parameterize tests, including using the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator.

To illustrate test parameterization, let's consider a simple example where we want to test a function that calculates the square of a number:


import pytest

def square(n):
    return n ** 2

@pytest.mark.parametrize("number, expected_result", [(2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16)])
def test_square(number, expected_result):
    assert square(number) == expected_result
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In this example, we use the @pytest.mark.parametrize decorator to specify the parameter names and the corresponding test values. Each tuple in the list represents a set of input values and expected results for the test function. Pytest will automatically execute the test function test_square for each parameter set, ensuring comprehensive testing with minimal code duplication.

2. Selective Test Execution with Markers

As our test suite grows, it becomes essential to selectively execute specific groups of tests based on criteria such as priority, category, or environment. Pytest provides a flexible test marking mechanism that allows us to assign markers to our tests and then execute them selectively using command-line options.

Let's assume we have two categories of tests: smoke and regression. We can mark our test functions accordingly:


import pytest

def test_smoke():
    assert True

def test_regression():
    assert True

def test_other():
    assert True
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In this example, we've marked two test functions with the @pytest.mark.smoke and @pytest.mark.regression decorators. We can then use the -m option with pytest to execute specific marked tests. For example, running pytest -m smoke will execute only the tests marked with smoke, while pytest -m regression will execute only the tests marked with regression. This flexibility allows us to streamline our testing process and focus on specific test categories when needed.

3. Code Coverage Reporting

Code coverage is a metric that measures the percentage of code exercised by tests. It helps us identify areas of our codebase that lack test coverage and ensures that we test critical paths thoroughly. Pytest integrates seamlessly with coverage tools, allowing us to generate code coverage reports effortlessly.

First, make sure you have the coverage package installed in your Python environment:

pip install coverage
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Next, run your tests with coverage enabled:

coverage run -m pytest
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This command runs pytest with coverage tracking enabled. After executing the tests, you can generate a coverage report using the following command:

coverage report
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The coverage report will provide detailed information about which lines of code were covered by tests and

the overall coverage percentage. You can also generate HTML reports for more interactive visualization using coverage html.

By regularly monitoring code coverage, we can ensure that our tests thoroughly exercise our codebase and identify areas that require additional testing.

4. Conclusion

In this blog post, we explored advanced techniques with pytest that enhance our testing capabilities. We learned about test parameterization, enabling us to run the same test with multiple inputs effortlessly. We also discovered test markers, allowing selective execution of tests based on specific categories or criteria. Finally, we delved into code coverage reporting, enabling us to assess the effectiveness of our test suite.

By applying these advanced techniques, you can improve the flexibility, efficiency, and quality of your test suite. Stay tuned for the next and final post of our pytest series, where we'll wrap up our journey with pytest by exploring additional tips, best practices, and resources to further enhance your testing prowess.

Happy testing!

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