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Patterns.Dev Rendering Notes (Deleted Twitter Posts)

I do expect someone to correct me because I’m on a limb & veering into meta framework territory but feeling cute so will say anyway. Full SSR is hydrated once at the root of the DOM tree once all html is written & global closure of closures is constructed…
5:29 AM · Oct 20, 2022
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boo 👻 nifty

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Selective hydration can hydrate the DOM (attach React js handlers) before data is sent because html elements are wrapped in Suspense (a lazy load boundary synched with the server).
boo 👻 nifty

What is server “sent” vs server “streamed”? It is the difference between serializing the DOM (stringnifying it as a convenient method of marshaling it over the wire by hyper-“text”-transfer-protocol) and piping it in chunks one at a time or several that is also fine
boo 👻 nifty

What is this chunks? It is an automated task of node to slice a file into equal sized pieces, which are kept in order (like a linked list), and introduced into memory such that the server process may operate on them (eg pipe them to the browser). In the end, it is just an array.
boo 👻 nifty

Stream is just array processing that node handles automatically with respect to memory contract management. Or memory management. You might say there is a contract as well.
boo 👻 nifty

I'm going to refer to Addy & Lydia's 'Selective Hydration' as 'hydrating the skeleton' because handlers are attached to DOM sans data & fetcher could be isomorphic (same code on client & server produces same result; eg same call to db for data retrieval)
Selective Hydration
How to use combine streaming server-side rendering with a new approach to hydration, selective hydration
boo 👻 nifty

Finally, and I do expect pushback on this one, Islands Architecture is server rendered with JS sprinkles, meaning, like JQuery, it has multiple entry points without a single unified state lifecycle management paradigm...
boo 👻 nifty

For instance, triggering a webhook would not send a message to the root of the app and cause it to rerender the component (to which the hook was attached as a handler during 'hydration') branch. The units of interactivity are as of yet (and for all time) unawares of one another

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