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Add TLS/SSL to Your VPS With Let's Encrypt or Caddy Server (Portainer Edition)

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This is supplemental material for Rawkode's Portainer series, which shows the steps for initializing your environment with the VPS and DNS.

rawkode playlist


1) launch ubuntu vm with access to ports 22 80 443 (aws & gcp)
2) map ip address to domain in cloudflare
3) install deps (snap certbot docker)

Certbot Method

1) install certbot, symbollically link it to path and run the standalone server
2) run portainer with the volumes mapped to the cert and key

Caddy Method

1) update Caddyfile email and hostname
2) remove existing portainer docker container
3) run portainer without the mapping on 8000 and 9443
4) run caddy to reverse proxy from 80 and 443 to portainer on 9443

Install Portainer on a VPS


  • Free tier eligible - t2.micro
    • defaults


  • Free tier: - 1 non-preemptible e2-micro VM instance per month in one of the following US regions:
    • Oregon: us-west1
    • Iowa: us-central1
    • South Carolina: us-east1
  • 30 GB-months standard persistent disk

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