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Scheduling tasks using APScheduler in Django

This tutorial deals with showing how to schedule tasks using APScheduler in Django and not with real basics of Python or Django.

Okay, let's start

Installing APScheduler:

Run the following command in the terminal:

pip install apscheduler

Setting up APScheduler:

Let's consider the app is named room.

Adding to our app directory:

This is how your room/ should look:

def update_something():
    print("this function runs every 10 seconds")
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Adding to our app directory:

This is how your room/ should look:

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from .something_update import update_something

def start():
    scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
    scheduler.add_job(update_something, 'interval', seconds=10)
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Starting the Updater:

This is how your room/ should look:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class RoomConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'room'

    def ready(self):
        from . import updater
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Thank you, that's it for this tutorial.

Top comments (7)

zsmain profile image
Ismail Zouaoui

Short, precise and works perfectly,
The only problem is that the scheduler runs the function "update_something()" two times at a specific time.

thelostkite profile image

It's because of development and deployment.
Add this condition before running your scheduler.
if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN'):

prabinsr profile image

python runserver --noreload solved this issue.

apoorvpandey0 profile image
Apoorv Pandey

How to give a relative path to chromedriver so that I can switch servers without having to change path for driver each time?
Or how to stop redownloading driver when using webdriver manager

michael446 profile image
Michael Adams

I know it's been a year since you asked, but there's a package on pypi called "chromedriver_binary". Look it up.

pistone45 profile image
Pistone Junior Sanjama

Is there a way to run the jobs as soon as the server starts? then it should follow the defined duration

aoulaa profile image
Olim Nizomov

so when i run python3 runserver --noreload it should work automatically right ? but it's not working for some reasons i did everything as showen.