DEV Community

Discussion on: Stop using so many divs! An intro to semantic HTML

brey1013 profile image
Brey Edwards

What year is it!? Seriously guys haven't we been doing this for many years already?
I can't wait for your next article describing CSS3's new features.

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

Hah you'd think so, but there's still new web devs every day, and tragically most HTML tutorials still don't focus much on semantic elements! And even besides new devs, lots of devs who have been around for a decade still aren't that familiar, which I think is largely for 2 reasons:

  1. Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation emphasize <div>s with classes a lot more than tags.
  2. Component frameworks based on custom tags with their own templates has moved many developers' focus away from the tags provided by the language, and has narrowed focus onto small component templates instead of looking at the semantic structure of the whole page.

Probably not the whole story, but I think those have contributed a lot to it

parkerhutchinson profile image
Parker Hutchinson

You'd think this wouldn't you? you should inspect Airbnb's site sometime. What I'd like to see is this article adapted to web application development. it seems to me that when developers architect applications they totally throw out the idea of making the components logical parent child hierarchies. I personally typically use an atomic design approach to application development just so I can maintain a semantic structure and not just return a div component. The overall reasoning I've heard is you want component interoperability when composing. That just sounds to me like lazy developer don't have time for that.