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Discussion on: Is the Metaverse the future of technology?

bradtaniguchi profile image

The oddest thing I don't understand about the metaverse is the fact it already exists.
Examples listed above like Roblox, and more classical examples like Second Life aren't fundamentally different than the "metaverse".

Throwing blockchain, NFTs and VR ontop of those concepts doesn't actually change them from the general idea of a "virtual world".

There is no rule that promises that more technology means a better life and experience. At some point more technology either ends up being worthless bloat, or worse a detriment to health.

dangerous profile image
Tommy DANGerous

I think you’re right. The Metaverse is just a digital universe and we’ve been living in it already. I believe as AR, VR, and other technologies advance, the digital universe will get more immersive; allowing us to have more realistic experiences.

jphinek profile image
JP Hinek

Virtual worlds, especially in video games, have existed for awhile. The push to "gamify" our lives is a bit of a scary concept as we do move a large part of our lives to the web.

I agree with your last point, and I think the study highlighted by Tristan Harris offers a realistic view of the potential harm more technology exposure can cause.