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Adding custom domain for AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

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Hello everyone.

In previous part we created dockerized NextJS app and deployed it to AWS EB.

In this part we are going to connect custom domain to our Elastic Beanstalk application (to make website url fancy, like, obtain SSL certificate for our website and set up secure https connection to our website!

Everything in here is within AWS Free tier (except for domain, which can be bought for as cheap as $1).

Also please pay attention that all links to AWS I provide use my region of choice, if you're using different AWS region make sure to change it before making any changes!

Lets get started =))

Use custom domain for your application

This step requires you to have, guess it, custom domain.

First thing we need to do is to create a new hosted zone:

  1. Open Route53 console page and click Create hosted zone
  2. Fill in domain name (optionally description), in my case it is
  3. Select Type - Public hosted zone and click Create hosted zone

Now we need to visit our domain registrar and change domain nameservers.

I'm using Namecheap but the process should be similar for every domain provider: place each value of NS record (from AWS Hosted zone) to Domain registrar nameservers
ns records
It can take up to 48 hours to register new nameservers.

To access website using our domain we need to add two alias records of type A: one for our main domain ( and the other is for subdomain (www website version):

  1. On Hosted zone page click Create record
  2. Switch Alias toggler
  3. Record type - A
  4. Route traffic to - Beanstalk, then select region and environment
  5. Click Create record

Same for www but add www prefix to Record name field.

record configuration

Wait a few minutes and voi la - our website is now accessible with our domain

Setting up SSL

To set up SSL we need to obtain SSL certificate:

  1. Visit AWS Certificate Manager.
  2. Under Provision certificates click Get started
  3. Click Request a certificate
  4. Add two domain names: one for your website and the other for www version

adding domain names

Here I added wildcard domain (* - it will cover all subdomains including www or any other.

Click Next, select DNS Validation and keep clicking Next until Validation step.

Because we delegated domain management to AWS by setting nameservers, we need to validate ownership by expanding any domain and clicking Create record in Route 53. Click Continue.

SSL certificate will be issued after a while (it can take up to 48 hours - usually within 30 minutes after nameservers delegation is completed).

Adding secure connection to our website

Next step is to add https listener to load balancer.

First we need to modify Load Balancer security group to allow secure connections:

  1. Open EC2 Dashboard
  2. In sidebar click Load Balancers
  3. Select your Load balancer and scroll down Description tab until Security section
  4. Copy security group name and open link near it security group name

On the Security groups page search the page (Ctrl+F in most browsers) for security group name you copied earlier, click on Security group ID.

On opened page click Edit inbound rules, then click Add rule.

Set HTTPS Type, Source - Anywhere IPv4, save rule and close the page.

Now we will set https listener:

  1. On Load Balancers page select your load balancer
  2. Select Listeners tab and copy default rule for HTTP listener (forwarding to ...)
  3. Click button Add listener
  4. Select HTTPS protocol from the dropdown
  5. In Default actions click Add action -> Forward to
  6. From the Target group dropdown select the same group you copied earlier from HTTP listener default action
  7. From Security policy dropdown select suitable policy (default ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08 policy is recommended). More about policies here
  8. Select Default SSL Certificate you created earlier.
  9. Click Add listener.

Tada! You can now access your website via https protocol =)

In the next part we are going to set up redirects from http to https, from www to non-www. Hope to see you there =)

Thanks for reading.

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