As a software engineer, learning a version control tool is one of the best things you can have in your bag.
Right off the bat, I want to clear this doubt many people have!
Is Git and GitHub the same?
The answer is NO! In order to explain it in simpler terms,
Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history.
GitHub is a cloud based hosting service that lets you manage Git Repositories.
How to create a GitHub Repository?
Signup for your GitHub account here.
After you create an account, you should see a create New repository button.
You can also click this link.Fill in the repository Name, Description and the Visibility (Public / Private). And then Click Create Repository.
Once done, You should see a screen like this.
There are many ways that you can add files to the repository. But in this article we will see how to directly upload existing files.
Click upload an existing file and in the following page you will be able to upload files from your local machine.
Once uploaded, you can add a Commit Title and Description to make it more meaningful.
And then Click Commit Changes.
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