DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

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Git Delete Local Branch How to delete all your local branches but keep master

I find myself searching for this git one-liner a lot, so I figured I'd drop it here to help future searchers:

git branch | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
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Happy coding ❤️

Top comments (24)

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️

Or better, delete everything merged into master, leaving out branches that can contain work in progress

git branch --merged master | grep -v "master" | xargs git branch -D
thespiciestdev profile image
James Allen

I was waiting for instructions to rm -fr the project and git clone it again 😉 this is much better!

antonrich profile image

rm -rf is such a danger. I heard about how dangerous it is, but was oblivious to its power until I deleted a valuable folder!

vnglst profile image
Koen van Gilst

And on Windows? 😢

kubadlo profile image
Jakub Leško • Edited

PowerShell in Windows has slightly different syntax, but you can achieve the same result with the line below :)

git branch | Select-String -NotMatch -Pattern "master" | %{ git branch -D $_.ToString().Trim() }
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vnglst profile image
Koen van Gilst

Thanks, I should definitely look into Powershell a bit more (first time on a contract for a client with a Windows stack)

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️

I mean, this is cool and all, but PS syntax is too explicit imo

adilfulara profile image
Adil Fulara

Use Linux subsystem 😂

vnglst profile image
Koen van Gilst

Blocked by the corporate proxy 😢😤

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lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️ • Edited

Why though, shouldn't all developers have local admin on workstations?

Or at the very least, shouldn't you be able to request a change in these policies for work-related purposes?

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vnglst profile image
Koen van Gilst

currently downloading using the Microsoft store is blocked by the corporate proxy, but maybe there are other ways to get the Linux Subsystem up and running?

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david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

Set up a forwarder when at home; use it from the office. :)

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️


vinayhegde1990 profile image
Vinay Hegde

The feeling you've after the command finishes execution

Like a boss

PS: Don't forget to run git checkout master

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Wow that was perfect as I was deleting about multiple local branches manually!

Left with two and tried that one above and worked fabulously!


buphmin profile image

Just make sure to back up everything first :P

git push --all {remote}

Oh man if I forgot to back up first...that would ruin so many things for me. We have a tendency to re-prioritize things so some branches are left half done for awhile, sometimes many months.

david_j_eddy profile image
David J Eddy

A handy one indeed @ben . I went one step further and created an alias "git repo cleanup" in my ~/.bash_rc . Keeping a clean local is super helpful when projects get large and dozens of devs have you reviewing / checking / assisting daily.

khoahuynhdev profile image
Khoa Huỳnh

This is awesome!!!

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

I was just looking for something like this, thanks!

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang

Here's one if you want to keep both master and develop:

> git branch | grep -v "master\|develop" | xargs git branch -D
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ben profile image
Ben Halpern


itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Is there any way to merge everything in master before deleting?

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️

It's generally not a good idea. If you finished working on a feature branch, merge it. If a branch isn't merged, it contains work in progress. Work in progress means something isn't working there. Also mass merging often leads to lots of conflicts.

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Oh thanks