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Internet != web

Internet and Web is not same thing

The Internet is the network of networks and the network allows to exchange of data between two or more computers.

The Web is a way to access information through the Internet.


URI stands for ‘Uniform Resource Identifier’. A URI can be a name, locator, or both for an online resource whereas a URL is just the locator

URLs are a subset of URIs. A URL is a human-readable text that was designed to replace the numbers (IP addresses) that computers use to communicate with servers.

A URL consists of a protocol, domain name, and path (which includes the specific subfolder structure where a page is located) like-

  ` protocol://WebSiteName.topLevelDomain/path`
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Protocol – HTTP or HTTPS.

WebSiteName – geeksforgeeks, google etc.

topLevelDomain- .com, .edu, .in etc.

path- specific folders and/or subfolders that are on a given website.

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