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Dr. Azad Rasul
Dr. Azad Rasul

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2- What are the functions in R Programming?

A function is a collection of statements combined to do a specific task.

Basic syntax of an R function:

function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) {
Function body

Built-in Function:

For example: max(x) maximum of the elements of x, min(x) minimum of the elements of x, plot(x) plot of the values of x

The list of built-in functions is available at:

max(20, 77, 85, 12)
# 85

min(20,77, 85, 12)
# 12

a <- c(-1, -3, 0, 5, 7, 8, 4, 6.3, 10)
plot(a, col='darkgreen')
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If a function is not available in the list of built-in functions you can use functions in packages or create it.

User-defined function

R user can create user-defined function.

For example: create a function to convert mile to km:

mile2km <- function(mile){
  km <- mile * 1.60934
# 32.1868
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Define myMean function:

myMean <- function(n){
  mean = sum(n)/length(n)

# 4.033333

myMean(c(10, 50, 20))
# 26.6667
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Create a function without an argument:

multiply_function <- function(){
  for (i in -5:5){
[1] 25
[1] 16
[1] 9
[1] 4
[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 4
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25
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