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Aygun Zarbaliyeva
Aygun Zarbaliyeva

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Explaining 15 most popular IT & Technology Buzzwords to Non-IT People

As technology develops and IT areas keep growing and occupying different spheres of our lives, we hear number of phrases every day. For some people, they quickly become just a new reality. For another group of people, they may be dark areas they are even hesitant to ask questions about. In this articles, I will mention 10 most popular IT terms we keep hearing every day with their explanations in a very simple language.

AI, or Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is when computers are designed to function like humans by thinking, learning, and making decisions independently. It's like having a robotic assistant that can expedite tasks and improve their efficiency. AI can analyse vast amounts of data and identify patterns, assisting doctors with diagnoses, scientists with discoveries, and even us with daily tasks like shopping and driving. It's an exciting and rapidly advancing field that has the potential to transform how we live and work.

Robotics. Robotics is all about making and using robots.Think of robots as helpful machines that can do jobs by themselves or with a bit of help from us. They come in handy in lots of places, like factories or hospitals, and can even help us at home. Using robots can make life simpler and safer because they take care of hard or risky tasks for us.

Machine Learning. ML, or Machine Learning, is when computers learn from data and improve their performance over time without explicit programming. It's like having a computer that can teach itself new things and become better at tasks, similar to how we learn from our experiences. With ML, computers can recognize patterns in data and make predictions based on those patterns, helping doctors diagnose diseases, businesses make informed decisions, and even aiding us with everyday tasks like speech recognition and translation. It's an exciting and rapidly advancing field that has the potential to transform how we live and work.

IoT, short for the Internet of Things, is a fancy way of saying that everyday items can "talk" to each other and to us through the internet. Imagine your coffee maker knowing when to start brewing or your fridge telling you when you're out of milk. By connecting these objects, our lives can become more convenient, with gadgets helping us handle tasks and giving us useful information. But it's also important to keep these connected items safe from sneaky hackers.

Sustainable Technology. Sustainable technology aims to protect the planet and conserve natural resources, such as using solar panels and reusable bags to reduce waste and energy-efficient bulbs. It's an essential IT trend, with companies designing technology to minimize environmental impact and maximize efficiency. Data centers now incorporate sustainable features, like renewable energy sources and energy-efficient cooling systems, reducing energy needs and protecting the environment. Companies also design eco-friendly products, such as phones made from recycled materials and laptops with extended battery life. Adopting sustainable technology can lower costs and improve efficiency.

Blockchain. Blockchain is a method to store information securely and in a decentralized manner. It's like having a digital ledger that tracks transactions or information, but instead of being stored in one central location, it's distributed across numerous computers. Each computer on the network has a copy of the ledger, and they all work together to validate and confirm transactions. Once a transaction is confirmed, it's added to the blockchain and cannot be altered or deleted. This makes blockchain highly secure and resistant to fraud or hacking. Blockchain technology is used for various purposes, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it can also be applied to other areas like voting systems, supply chain management, and more.

Cloud Computing. Cloud computing involves storing and accessing data and applications over the internet rather than on personal computers. It provides virtual storage space or computing power that is accessible from any location with internet connectivity. For instance, we can store our media files and documents in the cloud, making it easy to access them from various devices without manual transfers. This technology streamlines information sharing and collaboration while reducing the need for costly hardware and software. Cloud providers handle server maintenance and security, potentially enhancing data protection.

Big Data. The term "Big Data" refers to vast, complex information sets that cannot be readily processed using conventional methods. Imagine a massive library filled with diverse books; just as we require specialised tools and techniques to manage and interpret these books, we need specific tools to collect, store, and analyse Big Data. This data originates from various sources, such as social media, online transactions, and sensors. Analysing this data can yield valuable insights and improve decision-making across industries, including business, healthcare, and science.

Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that generates immersive, interactive simulations using specialized equipment like headsets or gloves. VR enables users to experience virtual environments, such as museums, games, concerts, or meetings, as if they were present. Beyond entertainment, VR can offer practical training for pilots, surgeons, and other professionals.

Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality (AR) supplements the physical world with computer-generated imagery or information. Imagine wearing glasses that display additional, non-existent objects or details. AR can provide information about art pieces in museums, virtually try on clothing, or preview furniture placement in homes. This technology enriches learning and enhances experiences.

Extended Reality. Extended Reality (XR) merges the real world with virtual or computer-generated elements to create novel experiences. XR encompasses various types, such as VR, which generates entirely virtual environments, and AR, which overlays virtual components onto the real world. XR offers engaging, interactive learning and entertainment opportunities..

Metaverse. T The Metaverse refers to a virtual realm where users interact with each other and digital objects in a highly immersive, realistic manner. Resembling a vast online playground, the Metaverse enables activities like gaming, education, and socializing with distant friends and family. Users create avatars, digital representations of themselves, to explore and engage with the Metaverse, fostering connections and unique experiences.

Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity involves safeguarding computers, phones, and other devices from malicious actors seeking personal information or device harm. Comparable to a lock on a front door, cybersecurity measures include robust passwords, caution with unfamiliar emails or messages, and reliable anti-virus software. Practicing good cybersecurity habits helps protect personal data and maintain device functionality.

5G Networks. 5G networks are an advanced technology that enhances the speed and performance of phones and other devices. They function like a high-speed highway for devices, enabling rapid downloads and remote control of appliances or vehicles. 5G networks support numerous simultaneous internet connections, allowing seamless multitasking. Although 5G networks are fast, their availability remains limited.

Quantum Computing. Quantum computing employs a fundamentally different method of processing information compared to traditional computers. Rather than using binary code, quantum computers utilize quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This capability enables quantum computers to tackle complex problems that conventional computers cannot, such as solving intricate equations and simulations. Quantum computing, though in its infancy, holds the potential to transform information processing and problem-solving in the future.

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