I've been learning React only for three weeks, but I've had so many problems. I'll share one of them I encountered while I was deploying my project. It was not the same way I usually do since this time I was using API.
The project was to create a weather app using OpenWeatherMap, push the code to GitHub and deploy it to Netlify.
I hid the API key in a ".env" file with a variable name, just like this: VARIABLE_NAME_FOR_API = abcde12345
Here is what I needed to do:
(1) Set Environment Variables
Deploys > Deploy settings > Environment
> Environment variables > Edit variables
value => abcde12345
(2) Set Build Command
Deploys > Deploy settings > Continuous Deployment
> Build settings > Build command
Build command => CI= yarn run build
* You can change 'yarn' to 'npm' if you're using npm
* Make sure it is capital i, and there's no space
between "CI" and "=". I typed "CI = yarn run build"
and failed so many times.
I hope this will help those who have the same problem.
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