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Ayako yk
Ayako yk

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Understanding JavaScript Array Iteration Methods

I recently encountered an interview question that asked for different ways to iterate over a JavaScript Array object. The prompt initially seemed straightforward, as I was expected to provide some example code snippets. However, this question intrigued me, so I decided to dig a little deeper into each method, exploring not just how to use them, but also when and why you might choose one approach over another.

In this article, I’ll walk you through various methods of iterating over arrays in JavaScript, highlighting their differences, advantages, and use cases.

for loop

  • Flexibility: The for loop offers flexibility by allowing the use of break to exit the loop or continue to skip to the next iteration. You can also specify the indices directly, giving you precise control over the loop's behavior.
  • Non-sequential order: You have control over the iteration order by adjusting the loop conditions, such as iterating backward or skipping certain elements.

Before the for...of loop was introduced, the traditional for loop was the standard method for array iteration. However, it can be prone to errors, such as starting the index at 1 instead of 0 or mistakenly using arr.length instead of arr.length - 1. As MDN suggests, "it's usually best to use for...of if you can."

When to use:
When you need full control over the iteration, such as skipping iterations or iterating in reverse.
When you need both the index and the value during iteration.


  • Simplicity and Recommendation: The for...of loop is a straightforward and recommended way to iterate over an array, as it automatically handles the indices for you. You can still use break to exit the loop or continue to skip to the next iteration, based on the values rather than the indices.

When to use:
When you only need to work with values and don’t require access to the indices.

  • Non-mutating: The original array remains unchanged.
  • Returns a New Array: After applying the specified function to each element, map() returns a new array with the results. This makes it ideal for functional programming.

When to use:
When you want to apply a function to each element of an array and need the result as a new array.


  • No Return Value: forEach() allows you to execute a function on each element without returning a new array. It's often used for executing side effects, such as logging, updating variables, or manipulating the DOM.

When to use:
When you want to apply a function to each element of an array but don’t need a new array returned.


  • Access to Both Indices and Values: entries() returns an iterator that provides both the index and the value of each element. This can be simpler and more readable than using a traditional for loop. If an array slot is empty, it will return undefined for the value.

When to use:
When you need to access both the indices and values of array elements.


  • Access to Indices: keys() returns an iterator for the indices of the array. This is useful when you only need the indices and not the values. In sparse arrays, [...arr.keys()] will include indices for empty slots as well (where the value is undefined).

When to use:
When you need an iterator that provides only the indices of the array elements.


  • Access to Values: values() returns an iterator for the values of the array. This is similar to using for...of with arrays but provides an iterator instead of a loop.

When to use:
When you need an iterator that provides only the values of the array elements.

What are Array Iterators:
Array.prototype.entries(), Array.prototype.keys(), and Array.prototype.values() return new array iterator objects. These iterators allow you to traverse an array-like collection one element at a time. They come with a next() method that provides the next value in the sequence, which can be called as needed, helping to save memory.

Here’s an example using entries():

const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const iterator = arr.entries();

console.log(; // { value: [0, 'a'], done: false }
console.log(; // { value: [1, 'b'], done: false }
console.log(; // { value: [2, 'c'], done: false }
console.log(; // { value: undefined, done: true }
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To be honest, I wasn't fully aware of some of the details and uses of these methods, so tackling this interview question and deepening my understanding has been quite important. Whether you're working with basic loops or more advanced functional programming techniques, knowing these methods can significantly enhance the efficiency and readability of your code.

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