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Nader Dabit for AWS

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Adding Google Sign In to your Web App with AWS Amplify

In this 8 minute video, you'll learn how to create a new Google app ID, create an authentication service with AWS Amplify, and enable sign in with Google in a web application.

Whether you're using React, Vue, or Angular, this guide will get you up and running in just a few minutes.

Top comments (10)

djheru profile image
Philip Damra • Edited

Hi Nader, thanks for the concise instructions. This is exactly the use case I had for a side project I made a few weeks ago. I had a problem, though, after I used amplify hosting add and deployed the app to CloudFront. I got my URL from CloudFront, and added it to the Google OAuth config alright, when I added the additional sign in and sign out URLs, the CLI added them to my aws-exports like this:
"redirectSignIn": "http://localhost:3000/,",. Then, after publishing, Cognito would send a redirectURI that consisted of that exact string (both URLs, separated by a comma), so it wouldn't work because it didn't match my actual URL. I was able to overcome this by making a config.js module that imports aws-exports, checks the URL for the current page and exports the config object with only that host in redirectSignIn/redirectSignOut, but I just wanted to mention it. I opened this issue on github about it:

This is the relevant code in the config.js that I'm using to solve:

const { host } = window.location;

if (awsmobile.oauth.redirectSignIn.includes(',')) {
  const filterHost = url => new URL(url).host === host;
  awsmobile.oauth.redirectSignIn = awsmobile.oauth.redirectSignIn
  awsmobile.oauth.redirectSignOut = awsmobile.oauth.redirectSignOut
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smesle profile image

Hi Nader, thanks for this tutorial it works great!

However when you log in with Google when you come back to your main page (localhost:3000) you can't retrieve user information unless you click the button "Check User". It's an issue because when you log in you may want automatically retrieve user information without clicking on a button.

Thanks in advance for your answer!

jimingeorge profile image

HI @smesle , I too am facing the exact problem. Where you able to find a fix to this?

smesle profile image

You need to add a listen event, it's a bit tricky but i follow the docs here :
I think it should fix your issue

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jimingeorge profile image

thanks a bunch @smesle . It worked all of a sudden today.. :D

praneetnadkar profile image
Praneet Nadkar

Would it work for angular as well? I could not find out much for angular in this regard.

dabit3 profile image
Nader Dabit

Yes, everything in this video will work the exact same way with Angular or Vue as well.

hoocem profile image

Hi there, is it possibele to add google sign in to a react native app with aws amplify or awsmobile?

rajugurung profile image

the point in the configuration where you enter google id and secret, i don't get that prompt at all. After I select "Google" the configuration completes. What could cause this?

flythebluesky profile image
Rori Stumpf

Amazing how you did in 8 mins what hours and hours of reading AWS Documentation cannot do. Very nice.