- There is question, How does ACK relate to cdk8s?
- Answer: All of the ACK controllers watch for specific CRs and you can generate those resources using cdk8s. The two projects complement each other. cdk8s can create the Kubernetes resources and ACK uses those resources to create the AWS infrastructure.
- This post gives example of generating kubernetes manifest of ACK using cdk8s typescript
Table Of Contents
- Pre-requisite
- Init cdk8s-app projen
- Get your hands dirty with code now
- Build manifest
- Conclusion
๐ Pre-requisite
- This post expects you have knowledge of ACK and cdk8s.
- You can base on the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes Hands-on to test the generated manifests by cdk8s
- projen is a plus
๐ Init cdk8s-app projen
- You can just init cdk8s project using
cdk8s init typescript-app
but following is used projen to mange configuration through code - Init
with projen in typescript. ```
โก $ projen new cdk8s-app-ts --projenrc-ts
- cdk8s import
โก $ cdk8s import --language typescript --output src/imports
Importing k8s v1.22.0...
Importing resources, this may take a few moments...
## ๐ **Import ACK CRDS As CDK8S API** <a name="Import-ACK-CRDS-As-CDK8S-API"></a>
- [s3-controller crds](https://github.com/aws-controllers-k8s/s3-controller/tree/main/helm/crds)
โก $ cdk8s import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-controllers-k8s/s3-controller/main/helm/crds/s3.services.k8s.aws_buckets.yaml --output src/imports/
Importing resources, this may take a few moments...
- [rds-controller crds](https://github.com/aws-controllers-k8s/rds-controller/tree/main/helm/crds), rename file from `rds.services.k8s.aws.ts` to `rds.services.db.instance.k8s.aws.ts` after import due to that name is assigned for all CRDS with in the `rds-controller` crds
โก $ cdk8s import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-controllers-k8s/rds-controller/main/helm/crds/rds.services.k8s.aws_dbinstances.yaml --output src/imports/
Importing resources, this may take a few moments...
โก $ mv src/imports/rds.services.k8s.aws.ts src/imports/rds.services.db.instance.k8s.aws.ts
- RDS subnet group, rename file from `rds.services.k8s.aws.ts` to `rds.services.subnet.group.k8s.aws.ts`
โก $ cdk8s import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-controllers-k8s/rds-controller/main/helm/crds/rds.services.k8s.aws_dbsubnetgroups.yaml --output src/imports/
Importing resources, this may take a few moments...
โก $ mv src/imports/rds.services.k8s.aws.ts src/imports/rds.services.subnet.group.k8s.aws.ts
## ๐ **Get your hands dirty with code now** <a name="Get-your-hands-dirty-with-code-now"></a>
- [RDS](https://github.com/vumdao/aws-cdk8s-ack-cr/src/rds)
โโโ constants.ts
โโโ db-instance.ts
โโโ subnet-group.ts
- DBInstance requires subnet group which contains private subnets in EKS VPC (`subnet-group.ts`) and secret keys to hold user credential. The k8s secret is not generated through code here.
- `db-instance.ts` defines specs of `DbInstance`
- [S3](https://github.com/vumdao/aws-cdk8s-ack-cr/src/s3)
โโโ constants.ts
โโโ s3.ts
## ๐ **Build manifest** <a name="Build-manifest"></a>
- Just run `yarn build`
โก $ yarn build
yarn run v1.22.15
warning ../../../package.json: No license field
$ npx projen build
๐พ build ยป default | ts-node --project tsconfig.dev.json .projenrc.ts
๐พ build ยป compile | tsc --build
๐พ build ยป post-compile ยป synth | cdk8s synth
No manifests synthesized
๐พ build ยป test | jest --passWithNoTests --all --updateSnapshot
No tests found, exiting with code 0
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
๐พ build ยป test ยป eslint | eslint --ext .ts,.tsx --fix --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern src test build-tools .projenrc.js
Done in 25.90s.
- Output directory
โโโ rds
โ โโโ rds-db-instance.yaml
โ โโโ rds-subnet-group.yaml
โโโ s3
โโโ s3-test-bucket.yaml
- We can now use the `yaml` files to create the AWS infrastructure through ACK
## ๐ **Conclusion** <a name="Conclusion"></a>
- Although we have to import ACK CRDS resources for cdk8s API, we can manage k8s manifests through code
Top comments (1)
thank you :D