I built a QGIS environment on Amazon WorkSpaces 🎉
QGIS is a cross-platform open-source GIS software that can browse, edit, and analyze geographic information systems. This time, we try to build a QGIS execution environment using the Windows environment of Amazon WorkSpaces 👍
The following is a detailed explanation.
- Windows environment construction
- Building a remote connection environment and installing QGIS
- Creating an Image
- Rebuild Windows and QGIS environment from image
Windows environment construction
This is how to build a Windows environment in Amazon WorkSpaces.
Click AWS Management Console → WorkSpaces.
Click "Start" under Fast Setup.
Select any OS (in this case, select Windows Server 2016) → Set username, name, email address, and language → Click "Start WorkSpaces."
Click on "Show WorkSpaces console."
When WorkSpaces is created, it will appear in the WorkSpaces list.
This is all you need to do to create a Windows environment on WorkSpaces!
Building a remote connection environment and installing QGIS
This is how to build a remote connection environment and install QGIS on Amazon WorkSpaces.
After WorkSpaces is successfully created, an email with login information will be sent to your registered address.
Access the address you received and set your login password → Click "Update User."
Install the application for connection. You can also use a browser to access the site, but this time we will install the desktop application for Mac.
Launch the installed connection application.
Enter the registration code received by email → Click "Register."
Enter your user name and password → Click "Sign In."
Connect to the WorkSpaces Windows environment you created.
Download and install QGIS in the Windows environment.
You have successfully installed QGIS.
You have remotely connected to the Windows environment and installed QGIS! Next, I’ll show you how to create the image and rebuild the same environment.
Creating an Image
Here is how to create an image in Amazon WorkSpaces.
Select the target WorkSpaces → Actions → Click "Create Image."
Enter an image name and description → Click "Create Image."
After creating the image, click on Actions → Click "Create Bundle."
Set bundle name, description, hardware type, and storage → Click "Create Bundle."
Confirm that the bundle has been created.
The creation of the image and bundle containing the QGIS environment is complete!
Rebuild Windows and QGIS environment from image
This is how to rebuild Windows and QGIS environment from an image in Amazon WorkSpaces.
Select the target bundle → Click "Start WorkSpaces."
Select the target directory → Click on "Next Steps."
Enter username, name, and email address → Click on "Create User."
Confirm that the user has been created → Click "Next Step."
Select the target bundle as it is → Click "Next Step."
Select the execution mode → Click "Next Step."
WorkSpaces will appear in the list of WorkSpaces when it is being created.
When you connect to the created WorkSpaces, you will see the Windows and QGIS environments as they appear in the image.
Creating an image also allows you to rebuild your Windows and QGIS environments!
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Amazon WorkSpaces
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