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Amazon S3 Event Notifications

[28/30] #30DaysOfAWS Today, Amazon S3 Event Notification & Hands-On.

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) event notifications are a feature that allows you to set up automatic notifications and trigger actions when certain events occur within your S3 buckets. This feature is useful for various purposes, such as automating data processing, monitoring, and integrating S3 with other AWS services or custom applications.

Here's how you can use S3 event notifications.

Event Types - S3 supports event notifications for several event types.

  • s3:ObjectCreated: Triggered when a new object is created in the bucket.
  • s3:ObjectRemoved: Triggered when an object is deleted from the bucket.
  • s3:ObjectReplicated: Triggered when an object is replicated to another S3 bucket.
  • s3:ReducedRedundancyLostObject: Triggered when a reduced redundancy object is lost.
  • s3:Replication:OperationFailedReplication: Triggered when a replication operation fails.
  • s3:Replication:OperationMissedThreshold: Triggered when a replication operation misses its threshold.

Destination - You can specify a destination for these event notifications. Common destinations.

  1. SNS (Simple Notification Service) Topic - Publish messages to an SNS topic for various use cases, including sending email or SMS notifications.
  2. SQS (Simple Queue Service) Queue - Queue the events for further processing by applications.
  3. Lambda Function - Invoke a Lambda function to process the event.
  4. Kinesis Data Stream - Stream events to Kinesis Data Streams for real-time processing.

Setting Up S3 Event Notifications

To set up event notifications, you can use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or an SDK.
Here's an example of how to do it via AWS CLI.

aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket mybucket --notification-configuration file://notification-config.json
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Where notification-config.json is a JSON file containing the configuration for your event notification.

Event Filtering

You can also set up event-filtering rules based on object name prefixes and suffixes. This allows you to narrow down the events you want to trigger notifications for.

  • Permissions - Ensure that the IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles and permissions are correctly set for the AWS services that will be involved in handling the notifications.

  • Monitoring - It's essential to monitor the event notifications to ensure they are working as expected. AWS CloudWatch can help in monitoring and logging event notifications.

Use Cases

S3 event notifications are incredibly versatile and can be used for various purposes.

  • Automatically resizing images and storing different sizes.
  • Updating database records when new objects are created.
  • Auditing and monitoring object access and changes.
  • Replicating data to other regions or buckets.
  • Triggering workflow automation in response to data changes.

S3 event notifications are a powerful tool to automate workflows and respond to changes in your S3 buckets, and they are a fundamental component of serverless and event-driven architectures in AWS.

Step-by-step tutorial for How to create S3 Event Notifications. URL.

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