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Nikitas Gargoulakis for AWS Community Builders

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Amazon Forecast - Empowering Accurate and Data-Driven Predictions

Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that utilizes machine learning algorithms to generate highly accurate forecasts. It helps businesses to make informed decisions by predicting future outcomes based on historical data. Whether you are planning inventory levels, optimizing resource allocation, or predicting customer demand, Amazon Forecast provides the tools to derive actionable insights and improve decision-making.

Amazon Forecast

Configuring Amazon Forecast

To effectively configure Amazon Forecast, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Data Preparation: Prepare your historical data, ensuring it meets the required format for Amazon Forecast. This includes having a time series dataset with timestamped data points and associated values. Amazon Forecast supports CSV, JSON, and Parquet file formats.

  2. Create a Dataset: In the Amazon Management Console, create a dataset in Amazon Forecast. Specify the dataset type, schema, and import the historical data prepared in the previous step.

  3. Choose a Predictor: Select an appropriate predictor from the available algorithms in Amazon Forecast. AWS offers a range of algorithms, including ARIMA, Prophet, DeepAR+, and others, each suited for specific use cases. Consider the nature of your data and the desired forecast horizon when choosing a predictor.

  4. Train the Model: Initiate the training process by providing the dataset and predictor configuration to Amazon Forecast. The service automatically trains the model using machine learning techniques to learn patterns and relationships within the data.

  5. Evaluate and Fine-tune: After training the model, evaluate its performance using statistical metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE) or Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Fine-tune the model by adjusting hyperparameters, choosing different algorithms, or modifying the dataset to improve forecast accuracy.

  6. Generate Forecasts: When you are satisfied with the model's performance, use Amazon Forecast to generate forecasts for future time periods. These forecasts provide valuable insights for planning, decision-making, and resource allocation.

Use Cases and Advantages of Amazon Forecast

Amazon Forecast finds application in a wide range of industries and use cases. Let's explore some common scenarios where Amazon Forecast can be leveraged and the advantages it brings:

Use Case 1: Retail and Demand Planning

In the retail industry, accurately predicting customer demand is crucial for optimizing inventory levels, managing supply chains, and reducing costs. With Amazon Forecast, retailers can analyze historical sales data, account for seasonality and trends, and generate accurate demand forecasts. This enables proactive inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves overall operational efficiency.

For instance, a large e-commerce platform can leverage Amazon Forecast to predict demand for specific products during peak shopping seasons like Black Friday. By using historical sales data, customer behavior patterns, and external factors, such as marketing campaigns and economic indicators, the platform can optimize inventory, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Use Case 2: Energy and Capacity Planning

Energy providers face the challenge of accurately forecasting energy demand to optimize capacity planning, resource allocation, and pricing strategies. Amazon Forecast assists in analyzing historical energy consumption patterns, weather data, and market conditions to predict future energy demand accurately. This enables energy companies to optimize their generation, transmission, and distribution operations, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and reducing costs.

For example, a renewable energy company can leverage Amazon Forecast to predict electricity demand in a particular region. By considering historical energy consumption, weather forecasts, and upcoming events, the company can optimize the generation mix, schedule maintenance activities, and manage energy contracts effectively, leading to cost savings and improved reliability.

Use Case 3: Financial Planning and Revenue Forecasting

In the financial industry, accurate revenue forecasting and financial planning are critical for strategic decision-making and investment strategies. Amazon Forecast allows financial institutions to analyze historical revenue data, market trends, economic indicators, and customer behavior to predict future revenue accurately. This helps organizations make data-driven decisions, allocate resources effectively, and adapt to market changes.

For instance, a fintech startup can utilize Amazon Forecast to forecast monthly revenue based on historical transaction data and user activity. By accurately predicting revenue streams, the startup can make informed decisions regarding marketing budgets, product development, and expansion plans, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability.

Custom Case

A few years ago during the COVID outbreak, i spent some time testing the service. At first, I created the relevant historical data sets.

Amazon Foecast guide
Then started testing all the algorithms and training the models.

Amazon Forecast model training

At the end, the predictions matched closely those published by the health authorities.
Amazon Forecast 2

Amazon Forecast Algorithms

Amazon Forecast provides a range of advanced algorithms to cater to different use cases and data characteristics. Let's briefly explore some of the key algorithms available:

  • ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average): A widely used algorithm that models the time series data by considering the auto-regressive, integrated, and moving average components. ARIMA is effective for data with linear trends and seasonal patterns.

  • Prophet: Developed by Facebook, Prophet is a powerful algorithm that incorporates seasonality, holidays, and trend components in its forecasts. It handles missing data and outliers effectively, making it suitable for datasets with irregularities.

  • DeepAR+: DeepAR+ is a deep learning algorithm that utilizes recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to capture complex patterns in time series data. It can handle long-term dependencies and non-linear relationships, making it suitable for datasets with significant variations and multiple seasonalities.

Every algorithm possesses unique strengths and is tailored to specific use cases and as result, it is recommended to experiment with multiple algorithms and fine-tune them based on the characteristics of your data to achieve the most accurate forecasts.


By configuring Amazon Forecast and leveraging its range of algorithms, organizations can make accurate predictions, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions.

Whether it's demand planning in retail, capacity optimization in energy, or revenue forecasting in finance, Amazon Forecast empowers businesses to harness the power of predictive analytics. The step-by-step configuration process, along with a variety of algorithms, ensures flexibility and accuracy in generating forecasts tailored to your specific use cases.

If you require additional guidance on configuring and utilising Amazon Forecast, feel free to reach out. I can assist you with unlocking the potential of Amazon Forecast and driving informed decision-making through accurate predictions.

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